Low Blood Pressure?
i don't have any suggestions for you except get up slowly and stand for a minute before walking. i had that problem a lot. i used to have high blood pressure and now it's extremely low. not quite as low as yours but low. i don't have a pacemaker either so i'm not sure what to tell you about that. sorry i don't have any good suggestions just wanted to let you know you're not alone.
Hi, I was just dx with Vasovagal snyncope...a low blood pressure disorder. I am now on meds for about five days and had similar symptoms lasting different lengths of time...I passed out three times, the most recent this past Monday...I am feeling much,much better. I saw a cardiologist who is also an electrophysiologist and had a lot of knowledge in order to help me. Mine is directly related to having WLS.
I hope it gets better for you soon.
Ask me any further questions you may have and I will try to answer.
My dad has VS. Basically only times it shows up is under stress for him aka going to the doctor can get him dizzy and passing out. He has done this for as long as I can remember. Luck he doesn't go to the doctor often, eh? He also used to get it after a heavy fatty meal. He is not medicated because it happens so rarely.
Glad to hear you are doing so much better!
I too suffer from it and it drives me nuts . I found out what it was when I went to the ER for pain in my side .. they did find a tumor but also said I have extremly low blood pressure . I have past out and had the feeling of passing our almost weekly now . The docs say that some people just get this ... and to keep hydrated . I do try to .. but some days it is harder than others .
Every time I go to see my tumor docs .. they freak out .. and lay me down to check it .. the tell me now I have a runners heart and pulse rate .. Hmmmm ..
I do know when I am out walking or running it hits me the worse ..
And I crave salty foods .. so I am starting to take potassium again as a suppliment to see if that will help .
If you find out anything please post or email me ,.
I do have an electrophysiologist because of my pacemaker, but he says it is because of the WLS surgery that my BP is so low.....I was hoping that there was something that could be done to prop the BP up but it looks like salt and fluid is the way to go....
I am drinking V8 juice, which is helping and taking a potassium supplement....I do exercise so I am going to up my salt intake and see if that helps more...
I am determined to feel good!! I didn't go through surgery to feel lousy every day!
Thanks for all your support,
I have been trying to search for people with the same problem or close to it as me. I am 14mos post op. I started my collapsing spells upon standing in May 2006, my blood pressure drops when I change position quickly. I saw a neurologist who put me on a medication opposite of a diuretic to keep the salt and fluids in. My surgeon told me not to take the med. so I came off I think in September or so.My symptoms came back in November where I was collapsing everyday especially at work. I didn't tell them until December when it got worse. I am currently out on medical leave. The neurologist has adjusted my medication several times now and I am taking the only 2 meds there is for this condition. I also see a cardiologist and he ran some tests. I need to go for a tilt table test which I have to pay out of pocket that the insurance won't pay it. I also wear compression stockings to keep the blood flowing properly. Hopefully this can either go away or at least get under control so I can get back to work as a nurses aide. My knees are so bruised and I already hit my head. I asked for knee pads for Christmas
My coworkers would see me fall and all I would do was laugh about it and they thought I was crazy. Hey it is something I will most likely have to live with the rest of my life. I still don't regret having this surgery because this I can deal with more than complications from diabetes.