change in body
I have not had surgery yet however i am extreemly overweight. I know this is a very private issue but I was wondering I feel like iam carring a small bowling ball between my thighs will this get smaller after I lose weight . will i have to have lipo suction to get things feeling and looking norman down there.
It does go down, but well often times a bit of plastics help. You might want to post this on a couple of other boards for hopefully more answers. This board isn't the busiest lol. The BMI over 50 board is a good start and tha plastics board would be a good option also:
Good luck!

I think it's safe to assume the bowling ball will disappear, however you might find yourself with a lot of hanging skin once the fat goes away. Most of us find the problem areas before surgery become a skin problem post-op.
The good news is the skin problems are covered by clothes and not nearly so obvious to the general public.
Best of luck!