When did you feel thin?
"My BMI is still 27 and I am "officially" over weight going by the scale and my bmi, but my body fat is below average for my age and small frame. who in the hell sets these standards anyways and what drugs are they doing to make it so difficult and confusing?"
I Googled for and read a paper once on how they created the BMI charts.
As it turns out, in the upper levels of the chart, it matches up pretty well with body fat percentages. They needed to skew the math however in order to make it match up as best as possible. So..to make a long story short, they skewed on the low end..which is why so few of us ever make it into the 'normal' range. Why did they choose the low end? Think about who uses the chart the most..it sure isn't folks at the low end
Hey, at 13% body fat, I'm still overweight according to BMI
I can deal.. body fat is more important.

i still have a problem with body image because of the excess skin , upper body is fine so are thighs but my stomach makes me sick especially since i know i would feel more self confident when i am able to get a tummy tuck, but sometimes i think its not gonna matter how much i lose its been a self confidence issue even before i got heavy so you need to think was this always an issue and if it was you have to fix that first cause even if you lose th weight it will still be there
This may sound narcissistic, but I felt really thin when I got my first smile, instead of a scowl, from a pretty girl. I've been overweight my whole adult life, and now I'm in the best shape I've ever been in. I'm 22 months post-op and down 105 pounds. I went from a 46" waist to a 32" waist. I still struggle with the excess skin, but I do feel thin. I think the "Thin Moment" is different for everyone; you'll hit it sooner or later though!
Carl Bralick
You don't sound narcissistic at all. We see ourselves reflected in how others see us. There are so many influences that distort our vision of ourselves. My hubby looks at me with love, not matter what I weigh, so I feel beautiful, just not thin.
I think having the excess skin taken care of will go a long way to revise my self image. It irriates me that there is nothing I can do about it. No magic cream or exercise. But as more and more of it appears, the more I'm certain I'm going to have to find a way to get PS.
Thanks again for all your responses.
Torrey (281/180/160)
The mental aspect of my weight loss has by far been the worst for me. I went from 272 to 135 and and now hanging around 170 and in a size 12. The only reason I ever got to 135 (size 8) was because I basically stopped eating because of some major issues going on at the time. I still saw myself as fat until one night a friend and I were talking and he "picked me up" off from a taller rock I was standing on. Then a few weeks later he picked me up again and put me over his shoulder. No one in my entire life had ever lifted me off the ground like that.... and then I knew I was thin and I felt thin. It was a totally amazing feeling for me ~~ I felt like a feather.
Now that I'm back at 170 lbs I feel "heavy" again..... but someday I'm going to work my way back to being healthy 135!!!!! I'm trying ~~~

Hi Torry below is a link to a post about identity crisis I hope you find it helpful.