When did you feel thin?
I'm 13 months out and have lost 99 lbs. I feel like I'll never reach the century mark. However, I'm a size 12. Can wear almost anything? Am smaller than most of the women in my office. But I still feel "fat." In fact, I think I have a worse body image than before the WLS. Maybe it's my frustration at the scale not moving. Or maybe it's excess skin (it's gross).
My question is, at what point post WLS did you feel thin or should I say "normal."
Torrey (281/182/160)
I had my surgery 8 days after you did, and I have to add my fustration to yours.
The skin thing is definately an issue. If I take my shirt off and stand in a way where I cannot see my stomach, I look like a fairly buff guy. I've been busting my hump in the gym and the weight lifting has paid off. I have ripples and veins and all the trappings of the muscular physique that I always dreamed off.
Heck, my bodyfat percentage is a very fit 13%.
The skin on my gut however, just make me feel fat. It's like having a permenant blanket tied around my middle.
I have discovered I feel best if I try and focus on the thin parts...the parts that fit in my mental image of 'normal'. Most days, I can ignore the skin..well 2 days out of 3..still, the third day creeps up and is there.
I do know however, that healing mental issues will always be a longer road then the physical ones. It will take time and distance to keep the old 'fat' feelings from coming back and haunting..funny enough, I have found the mirror to be the best aid for that. Like I said, focus on the thin bits

A few days ago I was shopping and was holding up a size 2 jeans and it dawned on me, I can tell now just by holding up pants or shirts and know if they are going to fit. I dont have to try on anymore. It said to me that I am now aware of my body and my size has just become routine. the same as 4 plus years ago when I knew I was a size 26 top and could hold it up and know it would fit.
now normal is another matter I dont think i will ever be normal
hugs to all

most days i still don't feel thin. i think it's the extra skin issue. but i do have a few moments that made me realize i am different...1. i wear the same size as my mom (never expected that) 2. went to a family function and no one knew it was me 3. i put on my wedding dress from 3 years ago and i could fit in half of it. i don't know if i'll truly ever feel thin until i get rid of all the belly skin. i can handle the rest but the belly bothers me badly.
Hey Torrie,
I had my surgery 6/20/05, so that makes me...15 months post-op. I have gone from 274 to 130's and a size 22/24 to a 2 or 4...and I STILL don't see the "real me" yet. I am getting ready for plastics in 20 days...hopefully that will help. Don't get me wrong, I feel 1000000000% better and happier, but as my bf says, I am the epitomy of someone not stuck on themselves, because I don't see how I really look.
I feel thin. I love myself and feel normal. Even though I've lost over 210 lbs and am 60 years old, I don't have a lot of skin issues. Do I look like a beauty queen? No...but quite frankly I don't look bad. I don't have huge blobs of skin hanging and look better in a bathing suit than I did when I weighed 367 lbs!
Will we ever really feel "normal"? But does anyone? There are days when we will be normal, and days when we will feel "fat" even when we aren't, and days we will have a binge, and days when we will really be in control.
I know that I am happier, healthier, cuter than I have ever been in my life! Let's enjoy each blessed day that we have. Do your best and remember the rules, don't go crazy and forget where we came from and go forward strong!
I don't think of myself as "thin" and I'm not sure if I ever will. For me its not an extra skin issue, but more of a head issue. I know that when I put on pants they are a size 6 or an 8, but to me I'm not thin. I do feel "normal" now~like when I walk into a room I'm not the heaviest one anymore so I kind of blend in more, but the word "thin" does not apply to me even after losing 178lbs. Some days I feel I look great and other days I still feel like crap~again, its a head issue. I don't know when/if my head will ever catch up with my body. I don't wallow in it or think oh poor me b/c I know I am so much healthier and stronger now in so many ways.
Tracy B
difficult subject. I have gone thru all the feelings everybody else has. I felt so much better after my LBL and got rid of that skin. but then my thighs. long story there, but after 2 thigh lifts they stll donty look how I had hoped. when I was big, (bmi 53) I didnt even look at my body from the neck down. Now I look, every day, and critique, and sometimes feel very fat. I look at my pants and am sure they are not going to fit on me. I am working on the mental aspects. did go to therapy, but now working on issues on my own. The body image work book, and how much does your soul weigh? are 2 excellent examples of books to help feel better about your self.
I dont have any real answers, I just wanted to share that I understand and it is a process. I feel better now than I did a year ago and that is progress.