What is dense protein?
When I think of dense protein I think of meat, poultry, or seafood that's prepared without a lot of liquid. For example, roast beef is dense, chili is less so. The chili would move through the pouch faster than the roast beef (or chicken, or whatever).
Other less-dense foods would include yogurt, soups, etc.
This explanation is probably clear as mud. But the idea, to me, is that the dense proteins stay in the pouch longer and create a feeling of fullness longer.
dense foods are ones that are solid foods ie beef, chicken, turkey , pork, fish., veggie burgers, cooked eggs,
lettuce would not be dense. fruit, most veggies are high in water content so not dense. Yogurt tho it has a good protien count is soft and slips right thru the pouch. I make it thicker/more dense by adding Kashi high protein cereal to it.