Two Years Ago (not a surgiversary)
Two year ago today, in the wee hours - just after midnight, my mother passed away. She just took her last breath and was gone. My father, sister and I were all in the house. You see, she had suffered several strokes two weeks before and the hospital could do no more for her. She was so paralized (all but one hand) that rehab wouldn't have yielded much. They put a feeding tube into her nose and she pulled it out twice letting us know that she didn't not want any part of it. So with hospice's help, we took her home to die.
It is still hard to write that. What does this have to do with WLS? To me, it has everything to do with it. Right after her death, I went to see my own doctor. I looked at her and said "I'm following in my mother's footsteps - I already have diabetes and high blood pressure. I have coronary artery disease and strokes coming. What can I do?" She suggested WLS.
Rich (my fiance at the time) had WLS a month and a half before. I had thought about it for myself but not really seriously until this conversation with my doctor. My insurance didn't cover WLS so Rich and I got married a year earlier than planned to get me on his insurance and get the WLS ball rolling. We were married on November 22, 2004 which would have been my parents 52nd wedding anniversary if my mother had lived. Obviously we picked the day to honor my parents. Who gets married on a Monday anyway. LOL!
My WLS had to wait for me to get added to the insurance and to get approved and to get back surgery done first. I remember getting the call about my surgery date. I didn't pick it but it was scheduled for May 20th, 2005. That day would have been my mother's 73rd birthday. I knew the date was meant to be.
Here I am two years after her death, thinking about her. Thinking about how shocked she would be to see me now. I'm 121 lbs smaller than when she last saw me. As of yesterday for the first time ever as an adult, I weigh what I weighed in 8th grade 156 lbs (I'm actually 155 today). She would be shocked. She might even be concerned that I had lost too much. Imagine that.
So, tonight I'm thinking of my journey over the past two years and thinking of my mom. Her loss, spirited me into getting a full life back. One of hope. One without diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and hopefully without heart issues and strokes.
Thank You Mom! I love you and I miss you!
Your baby, Kathy
How touching Kathy! and what a way to honor two special days! I'm also sure your mother wouldn't be shocked to see you now, because I believe she's been with you all along, perhaps even helping you with your journey.
Congrats to all you've accomplished, you done good girl! And I'm sure your mother is quite proud.
Kathy, I am so touched by your post that I am crying. How lucky you are that you will not have to suffer the things your mother suffered. What a gift. My own mother's health issues prompted me to have WLS. I have watched her struggle with diabetes for years. She is one of 9 siblings and at least 6 have diabetes (and 2 died 28+ years ago!!). Their mother had diabetes, also.
My father had diabetes, also and I really felt like I was destined to have it, as well. I know that, because of genetics, I may not have entirely dodged that bullet, but I have given myself the best opportunity for a full life.
I am glad you have honored your mother's memory by choosing to live a full life!
I truly believe that your mother has been at your side as you made your journey to
a healthier life. She must be watching you with such pride and love for you.
Her heart must be overflowing with love as you have dedicated your new life to her.
Don't ever feel alone because she is always there with you.
You are a wonderful person and I am sure you are truly loved by those in your life.
Take care and God Bless you and yours.
I was so touched by your post. I also lost my mother 3 years ago to a stroke. She and my father were married for 52 years when my dad passed away in 1998. I often wonder what she would say after I had my WLS in January 10, 2005. She was always
so concerned about my obesity. I also was diabetic, had high blood pressure, sleep apnea, high cholestrol, etc. My mother and aunt also had diabetes.
You are truly blessed Kathy!
Hugs and aloha, Pat

Kathy, your mother has been with you throughout your journey, not in body but in spirit and I'm sure she is smiling down from heaven at what you have accomplished in the past year, how you've taken control of your health to hopefully not go through what she went through with the diabetes and strokes.
I don't think it is a coincidence on when your surgery date happened, it happened on your mom's birthday for a reason. She wanted you to begin your new life on her day.