Will you share your vitamin regimen, please?
I take:
2 multi-vitamins (childrens)
1 selenium
1 zinc
1/2 vitamin K (these make up for what the childrens is lacking)
4 doses of UpCal D calcium citrate powder (500 mg each)
8 Tender Iron 25 mg (take 4 at a time which is 100 mg)
2 Vitamin C 500 mg (take 1 with each group of iron)
1 sublingual B12 2500 mcg
2 B100 capsules
2 magnesium citrate (keeps me from getting constipated from the calcium) - 200 mg each
2 packets Coromega emulsified fish oil (per back surgeon - fish oil is a natural anti-inflammatory)
1 Vitamin E (dry) (forget dosage)
2 Vitamin D (dry) 400 iu each (need to increase this - waiting for word from doctor - need lab levels up)
2 Milk Thistle 500 mg (for elevated liver enzymes)
Hello Katy ~
This is what I take and have been, basically since the onset of my surgery, almost 4 years ago, with some adjustments over time. IF it says "script" next to it, then it's something my doc writes a script for and I don't pay outta' pocket on.
? 1 Prenatal w/iron (script from the doc)
? 1 Multi Vitamin
? B-12 Injections mo. 1000 mg (shot every 2 weeks) - I give them to myself (script from doc)
? 1 Trinsicon Iron capsule (script from doc)
? Ester-C taken WITH my Iron - 1000 mg
? Calcium Citrate (w/Magnesium and D from Sams) - 1890 mg
? Zinc - 100 mg - daily (personal choice)
? Biotin and Niacin - daily (personal choice, for my nails and hair)
? B-Complex - daily (personal choice)
I take about 25 pills/vitamins a day. This is the routine Ive come up to get them all in, and to make sure one does not draw from the other(s) and it's worked well for me. Obviously my day does NOT start at the same time each morning, so I'll just give you the basics, minus the "real" time.
First thing - Thyroid pill (on an empty stomach)
2 hrs later - (after a light breakfast) - Multi, Calcium, 1 C, zinc, B-complex, Niacin and Biotin
2 hrs later - Calcium (most likely w/protein shake)
2 hrs later - Calcium
2 hrs later - Calcium, Multi, B-complex, Niacin, Biotin
Before sleep - Iron, 2 C's and ANYTHING I forgot or haven't taken yet. **
** That kinda goes back to my original way of thinking. The best vitamin (and routine) is the one you'll actually do/take/follow. So even if I risk some absorption issues with mixing any "left over" vitamins at the end of a day, it's better then a 100% of NO absorption by not taking 'em.
Good luck with working it all out - Lei
First they told me two multi-vitamins a day. I recently had labs done and now my doctors office sent me my lab results along with a note saying I should be taking 1 mulivitamin, a B-complex, and a calcium pill. I am a year out and my labs so far have been great while I was on the 2 multis-v's a day. I don't know if they changed their requirements or if they switch all their patients like this...I do have it documented from them to take the 2 multivitamins. I go to Barix clinics.
The niacin, magnesium and potassium were recently added based on labs. I've had problems keeping my potassium and magnesium up. I added the niacin with my PCPs approval to help with cholesterol levels (which are fine with the niacin)
AM: Chewable Vitamin C; 6 Tender Iron
Mid-day: Vitamin A&D; Vitamin B-12 (1500 mg); B-100 Vitamin
E; 2 Calcium Citrate; Multi; magnesium; potassium; colace; folic acid
Evening: B-100; Vitamin E; 2 Calcium Citrate; Multi; Zinc; Niacin
Bed Time: Chewable Vitamin C; 2 Calcium Citrate
I had the DS surgery so I take more than most. I was taken off of some and more has been added. I am one year five months post surgery. I take:
4 vita 4 life in the morning
1 beta caritene in the morning
one vitamin D once a week in the morning
4 vita 4 life at noon
1 beta carotene at noon
4 vita 4 life in the evening
1 beta carotene
The vitamin D and the beta carotene were added because of low counts when I had my lab. I am soooo cold all of the time and I just had lab work done to recheck my iron. I'm afraid they are going to put me on iron also. All of this is in addition to my 3 blood pressure medicines even though I have lost 135 pounds.
I do, I am still regularly low on iron and b-12 and sometime calcium. I had a son 18 months ago and nursing dropped my calcium horribly. it is back to the low end of average, but I was told it could take years to recoup those levels. I wanted to nurse for a year, but ahd to stop at 4 months. oh well
my son is just fine.
So my open RNY was in may 2003 and I take the following
multi vitamin without iron
1000 mg folic acid
around 1200 mg calcium citrate ( i prefer citrical +D)
and every 2-3 days I take a trinsicon (iron + intrinsic factor to help me absorb the iron)
I get monthly B-12 shots.
hope that info helps.
Open RNY 5-9-03
(weight loss put on hold to make a baby or two)

I'm still working on my regimine. I just added an iron supplement and it plays havock with my stomach (seriously painful cramps at times).
1 Centrum Multi Chewable
1 Calicum citrate + D
1 dropper of B Complex Liquid
1 stool softner (yeah, not a vitamin)
1 Iron
1 Centrum Multi Chewable
1 Calicum citrate + D
1 dropper of B Complex Liquid
1 stool softner (yeah, not a vitamin)
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