Love Chinese food but.....
I love Chinese food .. but it hates me .. I can not eat it .. have not been able to since surgery and I miss it .. I am not sure why .. maybe the seasonings .. or maybe it is the texture .. but everytime I eat it .. I yak .. never fails .. and I love Duck .. and all the chicken dishes ...
Best of luck to you if you try it again ..
You ever notice the film in the container of even "steamed" veggies? I think they put oil in EVERYthing because I can't eat any Chinese food anymore (especially rice). But I've tried twice since WLS 14 months ago and got sick both times. I think its just too heavy (for me anyway). Very sad though...

Gloria one of the only foods I can tolerate is chinese without MSG. I usually get the low mein noodles and ask not not to use too much oil. I can't eat much but the days I don't feel well I can eat 1/2 of a small order and save the rest. Orange chicken is good too but as well I don't eat much but it hits the humnger spot and of course never eat rice only cause I am allergic to it.
Love chinese food too.. but you know, there is -nothing- in it that is any good for you
My big problem with it is that most of what is on the menu is 50% fat or more. That includes the 'healthy' stuff.
You -have- to request everything steamed, or it comes with the oil slick
My choice: Steamed shrimp and snow peas.

Tooter has a recipe in the last OH magazine that is OUT OF THIS WORLD. It's a fried rice recipe.....but it's not really rice at's cauliflower!!! I made it several weeks ago and fed it to my family, and when I told them it wasn't really rice, they were floored. I added tiny little shrimp in there for the protein. It was so awesome!!! I crave Chinese all the time...and I can eat it. Unfortunately, when I do do Chinese, I do way too this took care of that problem. Yummy......thanks so much, Tooter!!!