obesity sensitivity in persoanl trainers

on 9/23/06 11:51 am - Brooktondale, NY
Hi Willow, I think a dicussion regarding the realities of obesity would help to raise future trainers sensitivity. For example, according to the AMA, CDC and USDA obesity is a complex disorder that includes genetic and environmental factors. Also, there is now scientific evidence that viruses, such as adenovirus-36, contributes to obesity in 1 in 6 obese persons and there is emerging evidence that gut microbial bacteria may also contribute to obesity. What this means, in layman terms, is that the old calories in/calories out theory may be faulty; viruses and gut microbes may cause us to lay down adipose tissue and metabolize food differently. If you are interested I can point you to the studies to support these emerging theories. Since the advent of the obesity epidemic there has been a lot of new research. Also, you may want to point out to the trainees that the reason the AMA approved weight loss surgery as medically necessary is because 95% of obese patients who lost their excess weight with conventional methods (dieting and exercise) regained all the weight lost plus more. So, dieting and exercise is only successful in 5% of obese people. I think it could be helpful to start your presentation with a visualization exercise. Have them close their eyes and imagine that they are an obese client who has finally mustered up the courage to come to the gym for the first time. I would also emphasize that their support and encouragement directly relates to an obese person's sense of comfort and belonging at the gym. If the client feels he or she belongs the client is more likely to return and exercise consistently. Good Luck, I am sure you will do great. Christine
on 9/23/06 4:17 pm - Lake In The Hills, IL
I wuld love some direction towards the research on the virus, etc. as I am not at all familiar with it.
on 9/23/06 1:22 pm - North Wilmington, DE
Willow sounds like you got your work cut at for you. You understand a lot of the predjudices we have faced. Its funny how now people seem friendly and willing to chat with me...whereas when I was my 425 happy self no one would bother. I was friendly then as I am now. But then people did not want to bother or help I guess they were afraid that my obeseness would rub off on them. I do remember going to an aerobics class with coworkers once and the trainer did not want to work with me too much...I should have said to her...honey my fat won't attach itself to you and its okay to talk to me. I wish people understood I was the same person then as I am now. Its hard for people to get passed appearances but in that line of work they should learn to do this. The obese person needs all the help they can get. Not pity but help and guidance! Its hard enough to live in the obese body! I still am obese according to the scale but I seem to be better accepted by others these days...go figure huh! Debbie
on 9/23/06 9:49 pm - Brooktondale, NY
Hi willow, Below is the citation for the adenovirus-36 study. Atkinson and Dhurandhar having been conducting research in this area of study for over ten years. They are both highly respected researchers in their field and the study was published in peer-reviewed scientific journal. I have given you the most relevant study but you might also try googling Dhurandar to read addtional studies, editorials and letters he has written. If you arfe interested in the issue of gut microbial bacteria and obesity the researcher's name is Jeffrey Gordon. I am currently writing a paper on the virus issue. If you like I can pass it along when I am finished. Christine Atkinson RL, Dhurandhar NV, Allison DB, Bowen RL, Israel BA, Albu JB, Augustus AS. Human adenovirus-36 is associated with increased body weight and paradoxical reduction of serum lipids. International Journal Obesity. 2005 29:281-286.
on 9/23/06 10:16 pm - Brooktondale, NY
I should make the point that obese persons with AD-36 are NOT contagious. Like any virus it is only infectious for a short active period, well before the obesity manifests. Obetech offers a testing kit for AD-36 but it is $400. At this point the only treatment for the virus is to further reduce your caloric intake and increase exercise to combat the effects of the virus. But knowing you have the virus could be a benefit in of itself. One of the thoughts I have been considering is the ramifications of young person's obesity being triggered by the virus and then all the contributing psychosocial problems exacerbating their condition. Imagine a twelve year old girl contracting the virus. First there is the initial weight gain and then the negativity from family and peers. She attempts to diet but standard diets don't work because with the virus she has to drop her caloric intake an addtional two to three hundred calories. Then, there comes the decreased activities and exercise and increased nagging from her family so the comfort eating begins. It is a vicious circle and we have all been there if we experienced childhood obesity. Knowing the the initial cause for her obesity is a virus that she has no control over could go a long way in the sensitivity of those around her and putting together a sound plan to help her maintain a healthy weight. That genetics, environment AND viruses are the cause of obesity is a new one but I think it could be helpful for people who are infected. Thanks, Christine
on 9/24/06 12:23 am - Cleburne, TX
Hi there, Here's my story.... Before I had gastric bypass surgery almost four years ago, I went to a gym and worked with a personal trainer who was absolutely marvelous. BUT....there was this ****y little physician and his wife that were also members who went at the same time I did......they used to workout behind me.....no matter what I was doing, they were always behind me....making rude comments and laughing. I finally stopped going. Since that this, this little ****y physician (a prominent doctor in our small town, and one whom I used to transcribe for) has opened his own gym in our town. He has tried his darnedest to get me to join....I don't think he remembers me as being the fat lady he used to make smart a$$ comments about...and being me, I wouldn't put one dime in that man's pocket.....not a penny even. Needless to say, I won't be joining his and his wife's gym. Have a great day. Teresa
on 9/24/06 3:26 am - Dallas area, TX
Hi Willow, You do have a great opportunity to educate these folks. I do remember how it felt to go to the gym and feeling like I didn't belong, even though I surely needed to be there. I also remember a lady making a point to tell me I was doing great---even though she was trying to be an encouragement to me and she was totally well-meaning, I remember thinking, "She wouldn't single me out and say that if I were normal weight." Isn't it sad that I turned a positive comment into a negative? I don't really have any pearls of wisdom for you, but I am confident that you will do great and those students will learn lots from your presentation. Hugs, Connie
on 9/24/06 6:24 am - Philadelphia, PA
I had to think about this for awhile. After reading everyone elses response, I guess what I think needs to be emphasized is some awareness and understanding that obese people are not obese because they are lazy, gluttons, unwilling to make an effort to change, making food the important priority in life, and all those other sterotypes. I think that a lot of people truly don't understand that most obese people spend a lot of time and energy trying to lose their excess weight. I would like to see obesity globally recognized as the eating disorder that it is with all the psychological and physical baggage that accompanies it. You would never find anyone at a gym making snide remarks about an anorexic...instead you would find people wanting to see that anorexic get the help that they need. Yet take those same behaviors but apply them to overeating instead of undereating and suddenly the picture changes. I think that a lot of parallels can be drawn between obesity and anorexia and bulemia. Perhaps showing some of those parallels would help with some understanding.
Becky Sue
on 9/24/06 9:00 am - Fort Wayne, IN
The only thing I would add (if it already hasn't been mentioned) is the need for real understanding of how difficult it is for MO people to go to a gym in the first place. For me, it was one of most psychologically difficult things I have ever done. Even now, I have a lot of residual fear going into a gym even though for the most part, I look just like 'everyone' else. Being MO, we tend to be very sensitive and very in tune with people's attitudes towards our weight (real and/or imagined). Body language can be misunderstood that people don't want to be near us or touch us. Overly patronizing can also have an ill effect. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think it would be important for a personal trainer to really be in tune with how an MO person if feeling about themselves and how uncomfortable they may be and take into account how emotionally hard it is.
on 9/25/06 1:26 am - Grove City, Ohio, OH
Let me put a little different twist on how people react to me now as a thinner person. Yes, they are kinder and talk to me, not down to me. But i notice ALOT less men hit on me now. I question why all the time and through discussion have come up with a plausible explanation and then a non-plausible explanation ( in my mind) When i was fat, I was more open. I needed the attention to feel good about myself. I smiled at people and was more receptive. Well often thi sled to unwanted attention or attention i didn't know how to deal with. SO now as a thinner person, i am closed. I don't smile at strange men, i take more the European outlook and don't generally smile at complete strangers, as Americans do. So i personally think i am preventing the men from approaching me. However, people who know me and my personality insist that less men hit on me now, as i am beautiful and they feel intimidated whereas before they didn't. LOL yeah right. ANyway, just my take on it. I am also much more self confident and i feel it even in my walk. For your presentation i would discuss the nature vs nuture theory, are we fat d/t nature and genetics or because of habit and how we were raised to deal with food. There is evidence to support both and regardless of which it is exercise can influence it. Theres my 2 cents. Melinda
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