obesity sensitivity in persoanl trainers

on 9/22/06 10:58 pm - Lake In The Hills, IL
I am taking a class in personal training and am going to be doing a presentation for the class on obesity sensitivity and predjudices and the effect on the person when they encounter such when they are trying to lose weight or get started on a workout. I encountered a really stupid trainer who asked me why woyuld insurance pay for gastric bypass when it was only for cosmetic purposes. (130 extra pounds and a personal trainer thought that would only be cosmetic???? i got a different trainer who had a little better understanding od the situation) I also will be talking about the differences in how people treat me/us after we lose weight. Any input or personal story you can share would be very heplful. I want to do a kick a$$ presentation that will make a lasting impression on these future trainers who will at some point work with other obese people and hopefully give them something they can use to treat us with dignity and respect.
on 9/22/06 11:22 pm - waterford, PA
Oh my gosh! You would think a health professional would know better. I can see the average joe who is does not have a weight issue to think this way but someone who is trained to help people should know better. shame shame shame!!! Everyone I have encountered have been very supportive. I don't mind telling them how much I lost and they say I still look good every though I tell them I have gain at least 18 lbs back. I am ashamed to say now that I have lost weight when I see a really over weight person I think to myself, how can that person live/ look like that? I can't believe I feel this way after being in their shoes just 3 years ago. Hope this helps. Good luck! Natalie Good luck!
on 9/22/06 11:24 pm
I would suggest you tell them that obese people aren't obese just because they overeat. Tell them about the part where we don't know we're full until way past the point of full. It's your chance to educate about the medical as well as the sensitivity. What an opportunity!! There is the 'crap' theory too, 'continue retrying and praying'. viscous circle. How people expect, even hope you'll fail on every diet you try. Wait for you to fail. Or how about having someone watch and judge every little thing you put in your mouth, everything. THen when you do something that might actually work WLS, they deem it cosmetic. How insane is that? Open your insides, rearange things etc. THat isn't enough for some people. THey look down on us because we took the 'easy' way out. Surgery is not easy. Having your inside rearanged is not easy. No longer being able to eat a 'full' meal with friends and family in all the social situations we are placed in every day is not easy. Getting physically ill to the point of having to go to bed is not easy. And just where the hell do they get off judging other people. Do they really think we have have choosen to be obese? Whew that felt good!
Tracy B
on 9/23/06 12:12 am - Erie, PA
Willow, the difference in how I am treated now is so dramatic~see my post "yesterday" down below this one. People now offer to do things for me for no reason at all, men look just a little too long (which drives my husband insane), doors are opened, people are kinder, I get looks directly into my eyes now, etc. I could go on and on. We went to a fair last weekend and this teenage boy was standing behind me and dh as we were watching our boys on a ride~I turned to look behind me and he said "Wow, you're beautiful". At first I thought maybe he was joking b/c he's a teenage boy, LOL, but he was serious so I just said "thank you" b/c I was so shocked. I don't even know if dh heard this verbal exchange b/c he didn't say a word~that certainly never would have happened at 328lbs. Its so hard to believe that a personal trainer would have that view of wls, but I guess if you've never had a weight problem and haven't encountered many people in your lifetime that have, you might no realize exactly what wls is and why people have it~its just an ignorance or lack of knowledge on the subject. Unfortunatley, when in that kind of a business, its your duty to be knowlegable in all areas where weight is concerned. I'm glad you found a new trainer. I would hope that personal trainers would be aware that overweight people are most likely very intimidated by being in a gym in the first place, might not have any clue where to begin and may need some extra encouragment to continue. Tracy B
Kathy & Rich
on 9/23/06 8:20 am - Fairfax, VA
Hey, Tracy! I know where you are coming from on the attention that you get now. I honestly believe that we are treated better when we are non-morbidly obese or non-obese. But personally I take some of the blame for how I was treated. I didn't look up. I tended to look at the floor. I didn't smile as much. I didn't hold my head up. I didn't try to make eye contact with people. My body hurt and my posture and attitude reflected it. I felt bad about myself and again... the vibe I gave off wasn't a good one and it wasn't an approachable one. I have no idea what percentage was me versus the world. But it was definitely a joint effort. I definitely am different now. I look up. I smile. I hold my head up high. My posture is more erect. I make eye contact. I have attitude - mostly positive. I am also different when I see the morbidly obese. I take a little bit of extra initiative to be friendly. I smile, I say hello, I chat, I make eye contact. I don't pretend they aren't there. Kathy
Tracy B
on 9/23/06 10:52 am - Erie, PA
Kathy, I'm sure you're right. I do have a different posture now and that reflects in everything that I do. I also try to take the initiative to be friendly with others~mo or not. It just hurts some times to think about the time that I "lost" being mo~about 10yrs. Tracy B
on 9/23/06 3:52 am - NoWhere Land
Willow, I'm 5'10 and weighed 350. Or put in women's terms, I wore size 52 pants. Now I weigh 195, and wear size 34s. Perhaps the best anecdote that I could share occured while dealing with on old college classmate. When they figured out who I was, they remarked "You seem so much smarter than when you were heavier." I responded, "What surgery did you have that made me look smarter?" Look at male comedic figures. Most often, they are either fat or rail thin. Recently I noted a commercial by Pella Windows in which the person making the wise choice of their product is a healthy weight, whereas the person who did not is heavy, unkempt, etc. Such are the prejudices of our society. Strangely enough, in SE Asia, being overweight is a status symbol and sign of wealthy living. Good luck with the presentation. With the growning number of WLS folks out there, a PT attuned to their needs could find them selves with a very fertile market place. Jay
on 9/24/06 1:05 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
I have one more question for you that i need the male perspective. as a Morbidly obese woman, I felt I was often either invisible or an object of ridicule. It seems as I am thinner that more people make eye contact, my doors are opened for me where in the past it might have slammed back in my face. In the grocery store I get offers to reach things on the top shelf ( I am very short 4'11" ) whereas before the same person likely would have walked on by. Aquaintences who were not really interested in me now are quite friendly. Of course there were other times when I heard nasty ugly comments and even on one occcasion, with a friend who is also overweight had pigs sounds made at us in a parking lot, or a friend of mine who had a guy follow her thru a department store making mooing sounds at her and her sister. I will say there is a possiblity that the positive notice may be partially that I hold my head a little higher. I have noticed my tendancy to walk eyes to the ground, but I do think my physical changes affect how others react as well. Do men have this same experience? was your obesity an "invisibility cloak" preop? Any thought on differences in how you are treated, other than the stupid comment about your intelligence?
on 9/24/06 4:51 am - NoWhere Land
I would like to think I have treated people impartially, but suspect that scrutiny would indicate otherwise. I do see people's weight, and sometimes think I see it more acutely now. As far as how I was/am now treated, it has definitely improved. But its hard for me to really say, since I am often oblivious to my surroundings. I go to work early in the AM and get off work mid-afternoon on some days. Women seem to be more friendly when I am in the grocery store. But that is probably predictable. I do look better, my clothes look better on me, and I don't look like I have one foot in the grave. I no longer take nitrates for my HBP, but I no longer look like I have a bad sunburn all the time. I breath rather than gasp for air. J
Kathy & Rich
on 9/23/06 8:24 am - Fairfax, VA
Willow, This is a great topic for you to speak on. I think sensitivity training for trainers would be great. I don't have any personal experience with gyms or trainers. Now if you wanted to discuss doctors... I'd have something to say. LOL! I think just telling folks that WLS is far from easy. We have to work extra hard to: 1) get the weight off, 2) not lose much muscle tissue as we lose rapidly, 3) have to keep working out to rebuild muscle that is loss and to get as close to our goal as we physically can and to maintain a good healthy weight for us. Wish I had great insight for ya! You go, gal. I have a feeling you'll definitely wow 'em and kick arse! Kathy
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