Vitamin A ...
Has anyone out there ever had to deal with lower-than-normal Vitamin A levels? If so, what did you do to get the numbers back up into acceptable range? My first year lab work shows that everything is perfect and great EXCEPT for slightly low Vitamin A numbers ... It's been suggested that I work on getting more yellow fruits and vegies into my food regimen .. and that my blood will be retested in a couple of months in order to determine if that is/was enough or whether I'll need something more at that time.
The little research I've done so far shows that it's something to be careful of re: supplementation due to the risk of toxicity (with too much Vitamin A) ... Am looking for feedback, suggestions, tips, advice etc etc. from everyone/anyone out there - thanks!
My Vitamin A levels was tested quite low after surgery (I requested the test, my surgeon felt it was unnecessary to test it). I take dry A and am currently doing around 60,000 IU daily. If your surgery was the RNY the odds of taking too much are quite a bit less because of the malabsorption. Just monitor via lab tests. I have been on Dry A for about 30 months now and had to increase to my 60,000 IU about 2 months ago .
Thanks for your reply! My doctor must know to test Vitamin A at the one-year mark because I noticed it was not included on the six-month bloodwork.
My surgery was the RNY, yup ... and I WAS wondering if malabsorption could be considered a factor when considering supplementing with something like the Vitamin A (versus another person who hasn't had the RNY for example) ... I will definitely give it a try for the next couple of months and see how things look at the next blood work..
My intuition tells me that it can't hurt at this early point since, if nothing else, I should bring numbers back up iinto proper range if nothing else .. it's not like I'm already in the good range right now, after all, eh!
This is the second reference to "Dry A" .. what does that mean? Is "Dry A" something totally different than regular Vitamin A... is it available only by prescription?
Thanks again and take care,
I use a capsule that I purchase from It is the dry form of Vitamin A & D in one capsule. My D level is also low. Many of us tend to have that problem as well and it can adversely affect bone density. We do not absorb oil based vitamins very well, thus the need for Dry A, D, and E. Vitalady carries the dry form of A&D (can't get A by itself), dry D, and dry E.
I am trying to maintain my A in the mid-range on my labs. I think your doctor might have ordered it because new studies are indicating that blindness/vision issues are happening to gastric bypass patients in the years following surgery and this is attributed to low A levels.
Malabsorption is definitely a factor to consider when taking supplements or medication. We are each a bit different and thus the reason for lab work to track our individual results. I tested quarterly my first year, every four months my second year and now semi-annually. My lab work is VERY extensive and takes about 15 vials of blood to accomplish. You can see a list of suggested lab work on my web site at if you are interested in what long term graduates have found helpful to test for.
These various items are things we will always have to monitor and many will require lifelong supplementing to avoid deficiencies.
Oops, I didn't see your post before I replied to the previous repliers ... You also mention "Dry A," too .. and I am curious about what specifically that means?
I purchased some Vitamin A at Walmart earlier this evening and am going to give it a try for the next couple of months - I figure it can't hurt ... after all .. how much broccoli and carrots CAN one person eat in day !!!! Haha
- Carol
The malabsorptive part of our surgeries causes us to not fully digest fats. Certain vitamins A, D, and E for example are fat soluable so they are often sold in gelcaps in an oil base. That is the wrong form for us since we malabsorb fats. We need to get "Dry" versions of these types of vitamins. I do not supplement A but I do take Dry D and Dry E.