Yesterday was a weird day for me. These are just some of the thoughts that ran thru my head. I went out for the day to my kids school, the bank, walmart, grocery store...nothing exciting at all. As I walked around walmart and the grocery store, it hit me how much kinder people are to me now~asking if they can help me, offering to show me this or that, etc. People noticed me and were nice~way nicer than when I was MO. This really made me sad. Sad for myself and the time that I lost~10yrs as a MO woman in our society isn't an easy burden to bare and sad for those that are currently MO and not being treated fairly, being ignored, being treated as less of a person being they are overweight~it just isn't fair! As I left the grocery store to drive home I had tears in my eyes~I guess it just really hit me, just how different things are now. And although I'm so happy since having wls, my heart goes out to all of those still struggling. I will never forget where I have come from~I will carry it with me forever.
Tracy B
I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. Everywhere I go people go out of their way to talk to me when before they acted like they didn't even know me. It really makes me angry, though. I have ran into some people who were actually really rude and mean to me before and now they treat me with respect. That is sick. It makes me want to snub them and be mean to them, but I can't do that. I could never do that to anybody, especially since I was a victim to it for so many years.
I have always been a talker and a person to just say hello to when i say hello now it is weird of the reactions i get..a man ran across the parkinglot to open a door for me at the gas shocked of how people treat a slimmer person. You are right it is sad. I treated people how i would like to be t reated when i was obese and still do...i just wish you could say to some of them why didnt yourun and open the door for the obses lady who went in right before know...i cant change people ...but i know im not going to change in that aspect i will probably treat and be kinder to the obese because i now realize how we were seen and sort of rejected or ignored...
Be kind to everyone like you would want for yourself. I will never forget where ive been in my weight and now my loss.
take care
I've noticed that people let you in to there circles a lot easier. I had a friend tell me that i was more approachable now. people look me in the eye and smile at me a lot more. I remember being so uneasy everywhere I went, one lady actually tripped because she was so focused on me and not on where she was going. I got stuck in a turnstile at an exit where people were behind me. I've heard grunts and snorts and laughter as I walked by. a little boy walked up to me and said 'your fat and ugly' and the parent said nothing at all to discourage it. it was then that I realized that a whole new batch of hurtful and uncaring people are cropping up. I got bold after a while and I started to tell people things in reply mostly things like 'God is listening to you' or 'if your not careful, you'll get just as fat as me.' but when the children would say things I would seek out the parents and make them feel ashamed for raising children with such lousy morals. I have the utmost compassion for anybody that has to experience this or any kind of ingnorance from others that simply have not walked in our shoes. It makes me glad to see that at least we can appreciate the value of live and let live.
I guess because we know what it feels like perhaps our attitudes can rub off on others who don't have a clue. We don't know who is watching,who we might impact. We know the pain and hurt of obesity,we can't change the world, but we can ruffel the water around each of our spaces for the better.
Thanks Tracy for the remind us to keep being sensitive. We shouldn't be angry with people who are ignorant, we need to love them, and be angry at ignorance. Hope that makes sense.
blessing, Tami