A snowball's chance in ...........?
okay, when are you coming in and when are you leaving. The traffice will be terrible around the Radison that time of day (or anytime for that matter). there are several good places to eat but will take twenty minutes or so to get to anywhere. I don't know how the food is at the resturant in the Raddison. Probably not much but that would be an option because of the time crunch. Yeah, parking lot will be fine . I bet we can't get anything organized tho. I was hoping someone would just tell me when to show up.
Hello DeeDee!
There are SEVERAL of us that are staying overnight on Saturday - it's an 8 hour drive back to Virginia and right now we have anywhere from 3 to 6 driving up. lol, hows that for a FIRM number?
Anyway -- I think you should stay at the hotel in Lexington on Saturday, doesn't sound like you'll have any problems finding MANY of us, including the "WiseAzzes". I just posted to DEX's reply and suggested that maybe we could do a Saturday dinner with those that are still around. Not sure how long he's planning on being in town so we'll see how he responds.
Even if it's not a big group, Im sure there will be plenty of us left to keep you company!
Can't wait to finally meet you in real space - hugs, Lei
{ahem} ...whatchu' mean you NEVER made it to GOAL? Wasn't goal to be HEALTHY again and LIVING life, vs sitting on the sidelines watching it pass us by? Ive read enough of your posts and updates over the last couple of years to know that youve MORE then accomplished just that, so I don't wanna even hear it, missy!
As far as the hotel - we're booking a room at the same hotel the conference is being held at. Figure no sense in driving to and from a place, especially in between sessions, or vendors, or meals, or....etc. This way if I wanna (need) to duck out, it's a quick walk to the room. Our group will be getting there early evening of Thursday and staying till Sunday morning/afternoon-ish, with an 8 hour drive ahead of us back to Virginnie'ay
Here is the hotel info:
Radisson Plaza Hotel Lexington
369 West Vine Street
Lexington, KY 40507
Call for your ObesityHelp Room rate of $119.00 - Limited amount available
GEEZ!!! Ours is still $2.85 here in Boise, ID. Our Attorney General is looking into it (finally) to see what's going on and why we tend to be at the highest level. (Do ya think it might be because we have an almost monopoly going on here, DUH!!!) Isn't it funny how quickly a few cents come off when they the AG starts "looking" into it (it was $2.99 for reg up until the AG started "investigating"). Not that he can't follow the futures like every one else can and see what's happening in all the other states, that would be too simple. Our AG only starts looking into it when he gets many many complaints.
Oh, cynical me.
WOW - Linda, that's ridiculous (price wise) ...I was yappin' with my sister yesterday, who still lives on the islands (big island of Hawaii) and I swear if she coulda reached through that phone and slapped me, she would have.
Not only is her gas much higher than what we're paying here in Virginia Beach, but it's still in the THREE dollar range. Yikes!!!