Does Anyone Fast?
I had additional thought on this. Fasting for religious purposes. I believe all religions that have fasting as a spiritual component give dispensation for thse who are unable to for medical reasons.
fasting because you feel out of control of eating to ME is a solid sign of a serious eating disorder, that perhaps therapy would be a better answer.
Just as a clarification because I don't know if the "out of control" comment was for me (it did not offend me, I just want to clarify ) - I primarily fast because God tells us to fast - I don't need dispensation from man on the kind of fast I do (whether food, tv, or anything I give up) - I believe that as in all things that we do if we fast to honor God, He will honor our decision, He knows my heart.
I am an all or nothing personality - I find that my carb snacking (crackers mainly) increases during the week - and I find a one day protein only (call it fast or not) breaks my craving for those carbs. My eating is not out of control - my weight fluctuates 5-10 pounds and has for over a year. But I know me, if I give myself a mile I will take 10 - laying off the one food group that helped get me to 285 pounds one day a week helps me "reset" my eating pattern...while maintaining the health of the gastric bypass eating...I refuse to fall back into my old thinking where I'd give myself permission to eat things than ignore the scale..than when my weight hit a crisis mode go to the extreme thinking that helped me perpetrate the yo yo "dieting" mess that slowed down my metabolism and contributed to my obesity.
I do not count every calorie I put in my mouth and I firmly believe that where we put or focus affects our life - I concentrate on eating properly and making the right choices - I believe that the more we become obsessed with what we eat - the more obsessive we become...which fosters the same depression and obsessiveness and hoplessness I used to feel when I would gain weight and give up...nope not this time...the one day of all protein per week helps me refocus on the good foods without having to be obsessive about my life...others may feel they need the rigor of calorie counting...etc...but this is working for me, I've been doing it for over 6 months now (after I hit my goal) just my $.o2 worth...