Does Anyone Fast?
Just wondering if anyone fasts either for religious reasons or otherwise? Before WLS, I would occasionally fast, but haven't really done it since having WLS. Well, I've been off track/on track again several times in the past 2wks, and I was wondering if a one day fast would help me gain control again??? I guess what I'm wondering is....have you had any problems fasting since having WLS? Do I need to do anything special or take any special precautions? What about lack of protein for one day? Of course I would be sure to get in plenty of fluids. This wouldn't be something I would do often, but if I feel the desire to do it, is it ok?Thanks in advance.
Tracy B
Hi Tracy,
I tried to fast a couple of times because I felt the Lord was leading our church to do this and really wanted to participate. The first time I could only make it until around 10:00am then I started feeling very dizzy and weak. I tried praying through it, but just couldn't concentrate and gave in. The next time, about 6 months later, I only drank protein shakes and water and I felt physically & spiritually better about that. I think that religious fasting is giving up something for God that you feel you may be putting priority over Him. He knows your heart and this was a time for me to worship Him and I'm glad I did. We are going to be doing another fast in October. As far as other reasons like lab work or something I think you could do it until the labs were done (early-mid a.m.) Best blessings!
I'm sort of with Willow on this one. I may occasionally fast for religious reasons but not at all for weight reasons. I am about 16-1/2 months out and when I had this surgery I decided that I would eat a well-balanced, healthy diet for the rest of my life. Now, I know this goes against most of the protein, protein, protein that we're told post-op because my meals always consist of lean protein, whole or multi-grains, veggies, and my snacks are usually fruit. My meals are probably about 40% protein, 30% grains, and 30% veggies. It just seems more healthy to me than eating 80% protein and ONLY if we have enough room lef tin our pouch to eat veggies and then ONLY if there's enough room to eat grains or fruit. I will have a protein drink sometimes during the day if I feel that my protein is low for the day, but I don't count calories very often or anything, but I just try to eat balanced, healthy, and let the weight take care of itself. I do sometimes get off track, believe me and it usually comes in the form of night-time eating of sf cookies, candy, or carbs. I just pick myself up and dust myself off and do better next time it's time to eat.
The whole "diet plan" mentality is what got most of us to morbid obesity. I know that was the case for me anyway. I tried this diet, that diet, this fast (I did the medifast, fasting one to two days/week - then ate enough calories the following day to make up for it and then some because I'd "earned" it, did the detox "cleansing", and on and on), and such, but like Willow said, I didn't have this surgery to keep up the dieting. This tool gave me the opportunity to get to a healthy weight and the only way that I can keep the healthy weight is by eating healthily - consistantly - not by repeat dieting and stuff.
Fasting for one day in and of itself is not a problem. Our bodies will be fine - remember immediatly post-op? I don't know about you, but I didn't get in my required amount of protein for probably 3-4 weeks or more. We survived!
Didn't mean to ramble - sorry!!
I'm with you on this one. I was told that I would eat normal small meals after about 1 year. That includes fruits and vegetables. I believe what you are eating is correct. Eat 3-4 oz of lean protein and fill the rest with fruit and vegetables.
I, too, am thru with "diets". I never want to go on another diet again. If I find that I'm gaining weight, then I will look at my food and see if I've strayed off a healthy food plan, if I have then I will start eating a healthy diet again. If I'm still eating right then I'll make sure that I'm exercising. I just hope to continue to eat a healthy diet and exercise to maintain.
I think they stress protein so much because of the quantity of food you can eat early on is so limited that they want to make sure that you get the required grams of protein. So, it appears that you are on an "Atkins" diet but you're really not, since the more you can eat the more you can start adding complex carbs and fruit.
I don't want to screw up my metabolism any more than it already is, so fasting is out unless I need to for some medical procedure.
I fast once a week for one - three days - sometimes because God is leading me to fast other times because going cold turkey on the carbs seems to break the carb addiction cycle I get into...I love and hate those buggers....I do not do a full restriction tho - I do liquid protein fasts and plenty of water...I am a little leary of doing a full food fast because of the by pass or not getting the liquids because of our tendency to dehydrate...