4 years out and getting back on track!
Hello All!
I posted on the main message board and forgot all about the Grads, so Charlie encouraged me to get to posting here too!! I am back better than ever!
It has been a long time since I have been here. I don't even recognize any names anymore! Very sad. I started lurking again last week and wanted to share my experience this past summer that led me to a 20 pound weight gain.
In May I experienced a traumatic event and reverted back to some very bad eating habits. In fact, I picked up a new habit of drinking alcohol to ease the pain. When I wasn't drinking, I was eating everything I could get my hands on. I quit exercising and taking my vitamins. I just quit myself and basically didn't care anymore. When I finally sobered up and tried to get into my clothes, I realized I had gained weight! Ugggh! When I got on the scale I had gained 20 lbs! "It finally happened to me", I thought to myself, "I am one of those long term post-ops that I have read about so many times, who started gaining weight again!"
I am not wondering where things went wrong, or questioning whether or not my tool is broken. I take full responsibility for this gain. I quit exercising, I strayed away from healthy eating, I started drinking alcohol and I quit getting on the scale that always kept me on track. I simply went back to my old habits and even added some new ones.
Today, I am living a sober lifestyle, I am eating healthy again and back to the gym 5 days a week. I know it will take some time to get back to the weight I was before all of this happened, but I am ready to do whatever it takes no matter how long it takes to get there. I know I am in for lots of hard work, but truly feel like I am up for the task. At lease I am not having to lose 140lbs all over again!
So, what have I learned from this experience? A lot! I learned that just because I had weight loss surgery does not mean I am immune from ever gaining weight again. I learned how important it is to learn how to deal with my emotional problems head on, rather than self medicating with those things I know is not healthy for me. I learned that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a life long effort, not just a year or two after surgery. Most of all, I learned to love myself again on a much deeper & spiritual level.
I will not beat myself up for the mistakes I have made. I have no regrets whatsoever. I truly believe that what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!
Now, off with those 20 pounds!
Godspeed to all.
Congratulations to you on your sober and healthy lifestyle! :clap;
Sounds like alot of importnat lessons were learned in the process. Great, just great.
I, for one, appreciate you sharing your story. It is a good warning to many that a slippery slope may be ahead and we need to watch for it and just don't go there. Also, perhaps there are some that have gone down the same path that you did and now they know that they aren't alone. Or perhaps some are just starting to head down that path and you give them hope to get things under control and get back on track.
You have a wonderful attitude!
Be well, be happy.

Thanks! I too try to live my life learning from experiences both good and bad and not looking back with regret. For example, I do not regret my first marriage - it was quite a learning experience for me. I learned so much about myself and what I really wanted in life. It also truly helped me find my hubby now and appreciate him for the person he is.
I appreciate your kind words! I feel great and so does my hubby (he is 2 years post-op).
What an inspirational story! Thanks so much for sharing that! It sounds like you're back on the right track and taking good care of yourself these days~that's wonderful! I am so happy for you! I know the hardship of being an emotional eater all too well. Congratulations on turning things around and being happy with yourself again!!!!!!
Tracy B
Congratulations to you on getting back on track. You took some time off and went back to your previous lifestyle. When we face problems we often times revert to what was comfortable and familiar to us and for us obese people that is often times eating to soothe ourselves.
You have the wonderful tool that will help you get the weight off but if that tool is not used it just sits patiently waiting to be used. I am happy for you that you didn't wait intil you had 100 pounds or more to lose again. You will do it and be happy in your loss again. Keep up the good work.
No reason to beat yourself up EVER!
Aloha from Hawaii, and thank you so much for your honesty and inspiration. I think maybe those 20 lbs. were a "gift" and are just what you needed to get you back to where you wanted to be all along.
I know I had a rude awakening five years ago when I broke my leg while half drunk and on my way to some serious problem drinking. That broken leg was my "gift." I quit drinking and eventually came to this place of having WLS surgery and now I'm a newbie only 7.5 weeks out of surgery and on my way to a healthier, happier more free me!
Congratulations on your fabulous weight loss, on facing your demons and coming out victorious. The 20 lbs. will fall away...you have slain the dragon!
Aloha nui loa,
Wow, reading this story is kinda like writing my own. I am 4 years out as well and did pretty much the same thing as you, however, for a longer period of time. I was very successful with WLS and had lost over 100 lbs. About a year and a half ago my mother was very sick and died, it killed me! I didn't care about anything anymore and started drowning my pain in alcohol. I too stopped taking my vits, and didn't pay too much attention to getting the protein, etc. that I needed. I ended up gaining over 20 lbs. After pretty much losing everything (except weight), including my marriage, I realized that I had to do something and start living for not only myself but for my kids. I started going to AA meetings and became strict about my tool. That was two months ago, and I haven't had a drink since. I'm starting to actually deal with the pain, and at times have found myself wanting food to fill the void. However, I've been lucky to have taken off 15 lbs of the weight I gained and am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's hard not to have our vises to rely on, and I give you so much credit for talking about it and opening up to the people here at this support group. It shocked me to see your post. You will do great and you will succeed as you have in the past. If you ever need to talk, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Its always nice to talk to someone who is or has experienced some a similar situation. Thank you so much for sharing!! Jennifer