Plastic Surgery Question
Good Morning,
I have been trying to find a plastic surgery message board, with no success. If any of you have had plastic surgery, please answer...
I am having abdomiplasty and mastoplexy in 3 weeks. I was telling my sister about mastoplexy, and she asked how the boobs stay up and firm without implants. I don't know the answer to that. Should I be getting implants to get the best results of my surgery? Anyone that has had their boobs done, I would love to hear what you had done and how you liked it!
This is the OH plastics forum:
This web site has everything you ever wanted to know about breast lifts, implants and tons of before and after pictures:
This site has all types of plastic surgery information, products, and before and after pictures:
The lift will remove the excess skin and recenter your nipples, that and strong stitches make 'em perky again
Implants will give you move volume, and better shape at the top of your breast. It really depends on how much breast tissue you have left...what does your surgeon think your size will be after the lift and what size do you want to be? That would help you decide if you need/want implants.
I chose implants but there are lots who did not and are very happy with their results.

Ms. Cal Culator
on 9/17/06 3:04 am - Tuvalu
on 9/17/06 3:04 am - Tuvalu
Hi, Josie,
I've never posted here before. (I got my LapBand almost four years ago, but had a revision to DS almost a year ago...I GUESS I'm a grad...or maybe a drop-out??)
Anyway, is a great site.
I had a breast reduction but was either MO or as the high end of O at the the breasts were not totally "deflated." I was 58 years old. I wanted nothing to do with implants. They are now a healthy C-cup. Perky. I can wear tops with shelf-bras and actually need some help on the occasions I want some cleavage. (First time I've been without cleavage since about 1959!!!) The shoulder ridges are gone and so are the rashes during the summer. My husband thinks it's cool becuase I no longer "hide" behind towels and doors.
I had the abdominoplasty while MO also and had some complications...resistant infection. If you are home post-op but you are concerned that you may have an infection...pu**** I did. My doctor was SURE he was meeting some overly-neurotic woman making a big deal out of routine post-op complaints in the ER...and ended up admitting me.
Good luck,
I had a breast lift without implants in Jan.
I am now in a size 4 and and only 5 ft 2 in, the PS suggested I not do implants if I wanted a proportioned body. He said removing the sag and lifting would give me small but perky breasts. He said implants may make me look a bit top heavy. He was so sure I would be happy without the implants that he said if I decided to get them added later he would not charge me his surgical fee.
Well now 9 months after I am happy with my 34B perky breasts. I can go braless and not look like a hooters girl. Just the right size for my age, frame and they are perky. I do not have any real cleavage but I am fine with that.
My Gynocologist was also glad I didn't do the implants as she feels that manaograms are clearer for those without implants. (Not bad but clearer)
Just my 2 cents worth.
Thanks for all the input on this subject, I am having a Tummy tuck and breast reduction/lift on Oct 10. I didn't even ask about implants and I have seen the work this Dr has done for other WLS patients with breasts that were pretty much like mine are now. ALso I know of someone who had the implants (different Dr) and they do look pretty big for her size now. However she is happy and I understand that so is her hubby ..
I am getting nervous and yet anxious to have my breasts up where they belong so I can wear clothes and have them look right.
Karen A