Im having major anxiety issues and wellbutrin has been recommended to me, can anyone tell me how it affects us WLS grads, and what are the symptons you had before you were put on it. I feel anxsious alot, much sleep distubance, racing thoughts. I lost my surgeon so im relying on my family Dr. Who doesnt have alot of experience with absorbing issues, plus has anyone experience weight gain. I am almost 3 yrs out and maintaining well, but am in need of some kind of help for anxiety. I will follow my drs advice but I need to be informed about your experiences. I can always count on help here. Thank karen
Hi Karen. I had alot of anxiety/panic attacks early on, to the point of being put on meds (sorry, not Wellbutrin though). The meds helped SO much! I was to the point of not being able to breathe at times, getting dizzy, seeing stars, not sleeping at all or sleeping all the time, etc~it was terrible, so my heart goes out to you! I have read about several of us that take Wellbutrin so I'm sure you'll find some wisdom here. I hope you feel better soon.
Tracy B
Hi Karen ... I started Wellbutrin (XL, now on SR) in February. This was prescribed for depression ... I also couldn't sleep (still can't), my mind would not turn off (still won't), and just overwhelmed by EVERYTHING (still feel that way). The first week I started Wellbutrin, I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin (jittery, couldn't sit still, heart was racing ... similar to a massive caffeine overdose), or worse, out of the 40th floor window of my office building! I was told that would "subside" ... so I stayed on it. I still don't feel its done much for me, maybe taken a *little* of the edge off, BUT, different things work differently for different people, so you'd probably be best to try it first.
Wellbutrin actually has not been associated with weight gain (from what I've been told).
FYI ... (note: dosages may vary ... you would most likely start at a lower dose and work up ... and not everyone experiences the same malabsorption issues, so unfortunately it may be a hit-or-miss)
Wellbutrin XL (extended release) -- typically taken @300mcg/1x/day -- this didn't work to well for me, as I would crash HORRIBLY in the evenings (into panic attacks ... still get those a bit) ... I do think there may have been a malabsorption issue for me.
Wellbutin SR (sustained release) -- typically taken @150mcg/2x/day -- I haven't noticed much of a difference from the XL, still tend to crash in the evenings, and I find it difficult to sometimes remember to take my evening dose.
Wellbutrin IR (immediate release) -- typically taken @100mcg/3x/day -- the only reason I didn't ask for this from the doc was because I KNEW I would have a hard time remembering to take it 3x/day (I can't even always remember to take the SR 2x /day)
I'm sure others have different experiences, with different prescriptions as well ... good luck to you ... be sure to share your experiences too!
Best to you ... if you ever want to talk, please email me.
It seems you are very well informed. For some reason, after reading your response, I feel compelled to ask you if it has ever been considered that you may have ADD or ADHD. There are 7 kinds of "ADD" so the generic version may not fit you though another type may. Also, untreated "ADD" can cause racing thoughts, mild/moderate/severe anxiety, etc. Typically genetic, does anyone else in your family have ADD?
Just a thought.
Hi Vanessa ... you know, when I still had problems even after starting the Wellbutrin, I kind of wondered a little (for a minute or so), but I had never really looked into it. I also kind of figured that my therapist or doc would take more of an interest and "know better" than me, cause hey -- aren't they the "experts"? I have (and still do) told them how I'm feeling, and all they say is that "it takes a while to work" ... so, to not "make waves", I just go along (I know ... not necessarily the intelligent thing to do). I guess I've maybe expected too much from others (e.g. the docs), since I've had a difficult time with feelings of being "overwhelmed" for a while now, and its even difficult for me to make decisions (oh wait, that's pretty much been a life-long thing).
I wish I knew more about my family history, but I was adopted, so there are always a lot of unanswered questions. I will definitely have to look more into the 7 kinds of "ADD" ... what kind of experience, or where did you draw your knowledge from?

Hi, Melinda!
I'm sorry. I didn't get an email and just happened upon this.
I'm not in any way qualified to recommend or even list drugs available to treat ADD. There are primarily two types of medication to treat ADD but there are several variations of both. Which one MAY work for you needs to be determined by a healthcare professional. I do not believe that your PCP is knowledgeable enough to start experimenting ADD medications on you. IMO, you should see a psychiatrist, have an evaluation, and determine a course of treatment which can then be followed by the psychiatrist to assure your success. Once that is accomplished, you can get an evaluation report and medication description from the psychiatrist, present it to your PCP, and have him/her prescribe the medication from then on. If you should start to experience difficulty of problems with your medication, then it would be time to see the psychiatrist again. IMO, even if a PCP is providing medication, the psychiatrist should be seen at least once per year - ever 6 months preferably.
I hope this helps!
I took wellbutrin for postpartum depression a few years back and found it really helpful.... My doctor just prescribed it again for anxiety issues....I just started taking it yesterday, so dont know if it will help yet or not,
I do find that wellbutrin had some helpful side-effects last time I took it....It sometimes helps people cotrol slightly"obsessive" habits....So I stopped biting my nails when I took it before, and I also had better control over my eating and lost some weight...
My doctor says that weightloss is a common side-effect.....
Dont't take the xl, as you will not absorb it correctly....
good luck