Charlie's 4th surgiversary!

LOLOL - yah yah, somethings just go without saying, ya know? I have to admit, there is no way in hells name I'd ever go to Boston and NOT look you up, you'd be more then worth the trip.
[ahem] That being said - it stands to reason that since *I* am in the middle of you Bostonians and Floridians, that surely LOGIC dictates that a perfect middle/meeting place is here on MY BEACH!!!!!!!
Sooooooooooooooo - when can I expect all of you to get here, hmmmm?
Pssst... my next six months are gonna be full of FREE time, maybe the next Bostonian Dinner, I'll drive up there and cra**** er, figuratively - of course.

"more times then not? I'm well behaved" Darlin--you forget we have met in person and I can see your nose growing all the way down here
. Ya know--you are right-next time I am on the way to Boston--I'll special request a parachute and jump off on my way over VA beach. You do remember that my hubby works in Boston and is there every Mon-Thursday. That would be the primary reason for that destination.
Pss--don't tell Jane or Joann though--cause they think I come up to visit them. And--don't tell my hubby that I am also trying to avoid the Florida heat and humidity. Note the amount of times I visit in the summer as compared to the winter.
Seriously though--we have to plan our November get together. Let us set a date.. Ya know air fares are really cheap right now. Hey--I have an idea
maybe we should plan 3 get togethers--Boston--Virginia beach and Florida!!!!! Let's make some plans.
BTW--my babysitting days are over--but I really enjoy being a partner in crime. Enjoy your time with Paul. I can imagine how much you are dreading his leaving. Please give him a hug and kiss from me.

LOL - your comment about the "nose growing" made me laugh. It's the only time a LIE coming from a man could be beneficial, ya know?
"Ohhhhhh lie to me baby, lie to me!!!"
Yah yah, it's too early, on a "Sunday" morning no less - for those kinds of thoughts, slap me and put me in the time out corner (with Pinnochio?).
Hey? What's your definition of "cheap airfares" to Florida? I honestly have no clue what a ball park amount even is, never flown into FL, always drove. Im thinking THIS time, driving would be dumb, right? Especially if we're meeting somewhere near the southern tip.
Speaking of setting a DATE, I'm all for that. That way it becomes real and I don't keep putting it off. What DATES work for YOU and CHARLIE (and anyone else)? I'm free free free and there is NOTHING on my calendar yet for November. LOL, hell, I'm so free, I don't even have Thanksgiving plans. Prolly a frozen dinner from Swansons, oh joy.
Anyway - let's start hammering out some WEEKENDS that you think will work for BOTH of you, then I'll get my butt in gear and book a flight. Havent a clue who I should try, maybe a smaller carrier that does direct flights? You do a LOT of traveling on the East Coast, do you have any you prefer? Ugh, and Im scared to fly [no lie] so don't put me on one that propells with rubberbands.
Also, since that's pretty much YOUR backyard, what hotel do you recommend we all share/split? Somewhere NEAR the amusement parks? LOL, uh, and trust me girlfriend, you have a real live glued to the hip, ROLLERCOASTER BUDDY in me. I think you said Charlie won't go up? Well, you'll be lucky if I finally grow tired of them and let you off, love the adrenaline highs that come with 'em.
Okay - tag, it's back in your court, lemme know what you and Charlie think about a DATE and PLACE!

Just got back and heading to bed because I have a really early wake-up tomorrow (for the second day in the row). I just did a quick orbitz search and it looks like you can do r/t for $162 or around there. Assuming you fly out of norfolk--right? was trying to see what airlines fly from norfolk--do they have a website? I got a really busy day tomorrow--will try to get back in touch. I don't get email notifications from posts on this board--so just email me--ok?