Wednesday check in....
Stephanie - you made me laugh this morning because you say you are not good at running - I swear I look like Phoebe from the show "Friends" - it is not pretty! I would only run in the morning when it was dark or on the track if no one was there, and if someone would show up, I would start walking - yesterday my usual track had a JV football game going on so I had to hit the streets - well needless to say I needed to sweat so I started running to get me going - cars were passing me by - a few bikes and I just ignored them. I kept telling myself as they drove by that they were all thinking (like I used to) "Geez I really need to get out and exercise - if that girl is not embarrased then neither should I" I totally understand your feelings - but what the heck. My 18 yr old nephew told me - "hey, even though it might not look pretty - it is helping you look pretty hot" - gotta love the kid!!!
Have a great day!

630~coffee with half and half gronola bar
730~diet rock star
800-900 kickbox class, 900-945 work out in wt room with pt 945-1015 TREADMILL UGGG
1030~string cheese with ham wraped around and nuked (too lazy to cook)
100~celery with peanut butter, 2 ritz crackers with pb (yicks)
230-300 treadmill again
530~bowl of cereal( dont ask what kind i aint tellin
) skim milk
700~strawberry margarita (yicks again)
800~cheese stick with ham again
Ok I will do better tomorrow, i hate these days when the carbs get the best of me!!!!!

B 1 egg with 1 slice cheese
1 special K waffle with sf syryp
S Kashi Bar
L grilled chicken salad with ranch
S apple
D Chinese with the kids before church - 3 shrimp, 2 bite sized pcs honey chicken, 2 potato wedges, 2 wantons minus some of crust part, 1 tbs rice, 1/2 small egg roll
S mini wheats with lactaid
2 miles WATP after got home from church
B--oatmeal w/ 1/2 scoop prot. powd. & handful blueberries
S--sf pudding w/ 1/2 scoop prot. powd.
L--4 oz. ham/cheese/bacon/lt mayo on handful of soy chips
S--1/2 apple
D--3 oz. tuna/cheese/dab of lt. mayo; 1/2 bun; 1/2 c. baked beans
S--protein bar; ff popsicles
Walked an hr. outside at approx. 3.8-4 mph.
B-turkey and swiss roll up
L-chicken breast and few bites steamed veggies
S-Light yogurt
S- SF cookies
D-1/4 C taco meat, light cheese salsa and a low carb tortilla
S-3/4 bag protein chips
All my water, vitamins and walked 2 1/2 miles.
My pants (size 14) are getting loose again! Last week they were getting tight! I may get on the scale tomorrow

Hey Steph! Glad you had a good day!
S~cottage cheese
L~2 bites of salad, it just didn't sit right for some reason
S~banana w/pb
D~chicken wing dip w/few tortilla chips
S~fiber one w/skim milk
got in 120oz of water today and WATP 5miles. Did lots of heavy duty cleaning too~does that count, LOL!
Tracy B
Lets see if I can even
B: 1 kashi BB waffle with pnut butter... banana ...yummy
S South beach protein bar, raisins
L 1/2 kobe burger and a few fries from Cheesecake factory. also 2 small slices of oatmeal bread
S1 1/2 cup ice cream(was going away for me from work as I am changing jobs and they dont know Ive had surg... so I ate a small bit)
S2 South beach protein bar
D: pork chop
S: south beach protein bar
DANG I ate a lot yest....Okay... time to get serious and get back in control... am going to buy the WATP tapes today as I keep saying Im going to the gym and never make it....
Have a great day
B - Scrambled egg/whole grain tortilla wrap
L - 3 - 4 ounces of shrimp/****tail sauce
D - 2 -3 ounces steak, 2 T yellow rice, 2 T pinto beans, 1 slice of tomato, 1 T hot peppers, 10 -12 almonds
1 hour Body Flow (a T'ai Chi, pilates kinda class) and about 20 minutes on the treadmill. I would have lasted longer, but my dreaded gas kicked in.
I suck at getting my water in, but I always get in my vits and calcium.
Label reading moment: For some reason I *assumed* that ****tail sauce was kind of a freebie, like mustard or vinegar. While eating lunch yesterday, the label on the ****tail sauce caught my eye.... Fat Calories 0 .... okay.... Regular Calories 60.... hhmmm???.... serving Size 2 Tablespoons....HhhMmmm???...... Sugars 13G HHHHMMMM? Just where was this stuff coming from? When in doubt, read the directions, or in this case the label. The main ingredient in my Bennetts Premium Jalapeno Hot and Spicy Seafood Sauce is High Fructose Corn Syrup. I bet I ate 250 - 300 calories of this stuff! Argh! When I got home I looked at the label to my Hinez Spicy ****tail Sauce and the high fructose corn syrup is the second ingredient, the first being tomato. A bit better, but I think I need to come up with my own concoction or start eating my shrimp with lemon.