Lean Cuisine
I keep the freezer stocked with several "Carb Consious" Lean Cuisines. These usually have a meat entree, veggies but no pasta or rice. They run about 140-180 calories, with 14-18 g. protein. I eat them when we're in a rush or my hubby wants something I don't. I don't eat them too often, but I have also taken them to work for lunch.
Vickie J.
I was in the grocery store last night and saw that Kashi has come out with a line of frozen meals. They are made with whole grains. The carb count is a little high but at least its good carbs. Since they are new they are a little pricey also. It said on the box(I got one and ate it today for lunch, the chicken pomodoro with ww pasta) only minamaly processed. It was quite tasty, I had some grilled zuchinni on the side. I eat a frozen dinner almost everyday for lunch, my fav is the southbeach pizzas.
4 years out for me and -160lbs. I do a lot of the frozen dinner for lunch because it is fast and easy and cheaper than eating out. But at 4 years...I basically eat what I want. I do concentrate on protein but if my family is having pizza then I will have 1 small slice. It fills me up and I do not overdo it. That is what this surgery is about for me. Living a normal life...just eating in moderation. I still feel like I am eating with the family just a lot smaller amounts than I did in the past.