stomach pains what can I do? Ate something with sugar
Hi Rose,
I am 1.2 post op and have had stomach pain on and off. The doctors suspected gall bladder problems with me. It may be just a coincidence that you had the candy, and the stomach pain started at the same time. Perhaps you should call the DR. I would try a heating pad that may calm the pain down. Hope you resolve this, feel better.
Hey Rose,
Your pain sounds exactly what I get when I eat something Im not suppose to. We ate at Mcdonalds a night or two ago and I hate eating there but my son loves to play in the play area so I said okay why not. I ate half a cheeseburger and some apple dippers with the caramel dip. Oh man my stomach was hard as a rock from bloat and it felt like there was a whale in my upper stomach. I immediately took two Gas X and the pain was totally gone in 10 min. Its severe gas! Works for me everytime, get you some quick!
Your feedback was appreciated Candy,
The Dr. prescribed "Reglin" and it seemed to have helped in decreasing the bloatedness and pain...I'll monitor throughout the night and see how I feel. I still have this annoying/minor moving pain in the stomach. But your description of your experience, sounds very similar to mine!
Hi Rose. I was just wondering what the dr said???
I only had 1 experience with sugar~I did not get stomach pains, but I got tired, really sweaty especially behind my knees and the inside of my elbows (I know, LOL!) and very dizzy for about 3hrs! It was terrible and I vowed NEVER to do that to myself again!
Hope you're feeling better now!
Tracy B
Thanks again Traci for your response...I am feeling a lot better now but there is still a moving pain in stomach but not as severe and I don't feel as bloated. As stated in my email to you, Dr. wanted me to monitor for possible gall bladder problems, however, believes it could be symptomatic of a reaction to having too much sugar at once! At any rate, also spoke to the dietian with some helfpul advice as to what to eat and keep a log of my food intake over the next several days. She too believes the pain could've been triggered the sugar intake. The Dr. also prescribed "Reglin" for pain control, I took it earlier this evening and it may have helped alliviate some of the cramping. I'll keep you posted
Rose B