monday check in...
well today was a pretty good day for me...
i did 10 miles of walk aerobics!! (leslie sansone's walk away the pounds express)go me!!
5 miles WATP
B-protein bar
banana w/peanut butter
3 miles WATP
S-fruit protein smoothie
L-tuna, baby carrot, 1 oz. mozzarella
2 miles WATP
S-fruit protein smoothie
D-chef salad w/low carb tortilla
pistacchio pudding w/pineapple
how'd you all do tonight?? i have another busy night tonight so i'll check back later or tomorrow to see how you all did. i swear my days and nights are getting busier these days...that's good though!!
Evening Steph,
I don't feel very good about how went, I am still feeling a bit sick...
B~Canadian Bacon with cheese on it
L~ 1/2 cheese enchalada 2-3 bites of rice
S~granola bar
D-Tops of C.C.'s Pizza/Salad
S~Diet Hot CoCo
What a carb filled day I had, I tried believe it or not. Just a bad eating day I guess. I am still fighting a sinus infection. Met with the PS about TT. Getting excited at the thought of it.
Hope you all had a better day,
B 1.5 egg scrambled, 1 pc cheese, 2 slices bacon
S apple
L grilled chicken salad with 1 tbs ranch
S Kashi bar
D mini wheats with lactaid
S 1 banana with peanut butter
Exercise 35 minutes cardio at the gym followed by 30 minutes of weights. Plus climbed stairs for 5 minutes at work today on breaks.
I am finding that the carb cravings are decreasing since the drastic cuts in simple carbs in my diet. That is really a good thing for me. Whew!
Wow Steph! 10 Miles! WooHoo! Ya got me beat, LOL! Anyway, Congrats on a great day Steph!
S~strawberries w/cool whip
L~salad w/turkey, cheese, croutons, ranch
S~banana w/pbutter
D~buffalo chicken dip with a few tortilla chips
S~frozen graham cracker w/cool whip
**Fiber one
I've had 90oz of water today, working on a bit more right now. Did 5 miles WATP.
So, I have a question Steph. Do you find that when you break up your work out you still get max benefits?? I sometimes don't have a full 65min to do my 5mile dvd, so I'll opt for the 3 mile instead and then thats it for the day. BUT, you got me thinking.....if I only have time to do 3 miles, I could still do another 3 miles in the evening if I can find the time, LOL! I don't know how you find the time to fit it in 3x's per day! I'm crazy here with the house and the boys, but they will be off to school on Wednesday so I guess I'll have some more time on my hands.
hey tracy...i'm still lurking but i need to pull myself away from the boards and get my stuff done! to answer your question...yes i still feel like i'm getting the benefit of the my 3rd walk i'm still tired from the 2nd walk...but i push on! i can still tell at the end of the day that i worked my butt off!! i guess i'm lucky in the sense that we don't have any children and my days are very structure. from 7am-7pm i have a schedule i set for myself to get in everything that needs to be done. then in the evenings i take the time to sit and relax with hubby and finish up any work that i didn't get done during the day. so basically i have my work time, cleaning time, and workout times during the day. i'm almost OCD about my schedules...i get very upset when something comes up and my schedule is messed up. well i better get going....i'm working on a resume for someone and they need it asap...i guess i gotta earn some money around here too!! have a good night
Hey Steph! I hear ya about the OCD~I work that way too, LOL! So I think I'm gonna give it a try for a few weeks and see what happens! With the boys going back to school tomorrow, I can easily work in 2x's a day to work out~not sure if I can get in 3x's unless Jim wants to walk with me after work, which we do sometimes anyway, but we'll see. I'm curious to see if I can make any changes in my body~not necessarily lose any more weight, but get leaner and tone up some. Thanks for the info!
B-Cottage cheese and pineapple
S- 1 string cheese
L- 2 slices Papa Murphy veggie delite
S- 1 chocalate chip cookie ( the rest are going to work with my husband tomorrow)
D- Turkey burger on a low carb tortilla (The tortilla factory brand, 50 cal, 8gm fiber 3 gm net carbs)
S-Kettle Corn 100 calorie mini bag
All my water and vitamins!
I will be glad for school to start up as well. I plan on going to the YMCA on my lunch hour, as I rarely have time to go now working full time, school full time and a family. I graduate in October so school will not be a problem much longer, unless I start my doctorate right away.