3 years out
Hi Linda,
I had my surgery on Jan 26, 2004, that' s two years and seven months out. I too have gained about 28-30 pounds in just the last few months. I can't seem to stop the bad habits from coming back just like before the surgery. I eat all day long. I eat candy, cookies, cake, ice cream,pasta, breads, everything. Nothing makes me dump and nothing gives me a problem. I havent been to see my Dr. in over a year because I dont want to show him what a loser I am. I've gone from 300 pounds to 170 and am now back up to 200-204. I went from wearing a size 12 back to a 16 and now, once again, nothing fits in my closet! I've even scared myself because I've been drinking more than I ever have too. (alcohol). I just started trying to drink water as I never got into this routine before.
I was my Drs. very first patient for bariatric surgery as well as the local hospitals first patient. I only saw the dietician once before the surgery and once after. I was not told to eat low fat or sugar free foods however, it looks as if everyone else does that. My Dr. always laughed when I mentioned being afraid that I was eating too much because he said I couldn't eat as much as I could before, so not to worry about it! What a stupid thing to say.
Maybe we can help each other out?
Linda, are you able to or have you considered doing water aerobics or some type of water program? Moving makes such a big difference. For one, you're not sitting around the house listening to the fridge or pantry calling to you. Also, exercising will be burning calories, releasing serotonin, giving you a chance to meet new people. You'll also be impressed with yourself and all of these will help with the depression.
I agree with Becky. I am 2 years and 8 months out and have gained I guess 18-20 lbs but my clothes do still fit. I also can eat all the bad foods i have been having those 100 cal chips and 60 cal choc. sticks to satisfiy I don't go to the doctor for another 2 months. I can not get motifated to exercise either even though I can. My husband is having his open surgary October 2nd so I am hoping we will motivate each other.
It bothes me that you are drinking. You are replacing one addition for another. That could be dangerous. Are there support groups in your area that you can attend?
Had open RNY in 3/05, lost 135 lbs and have been holding for the past 6-7 months due to the inability to exercise - bad knees and hip. I need to lose at least another 50-100 lbs to reach my goal or the doctor's. Will have hip reconstruction on 9/11 and have to wait to replace the knees until the next year due to work and the time allowed off for short term disability. Am hoping that with the hip surgery some of my pain will be relieved and I can move more and/or get back to aqua therapy. Did it for awhile and really thought it helped. See your doctor about an antidepressant and back to basics.
Hi Linda~
You have made a huge step in reaching out! 27 lbs is so much easier to deal with than 270, right? Don't beat yourself up....Just go back to the basics. Cut the sugar, and bread and NO GRAZING!!! If you feel like eating go for a walk, water the plants or call someone.
You can do it!!!! Keep you head up!
Big Hugs!