Abdominal Aortic Anurysm??? HELP.......anyone heard or have this
Hello O.H. Family
I went for my 3 year check up and I mentioned to the Doc that I am having this weird discomfort on my left hand side and blah blah blah and she feels around and says she thinks it may be AAA and she ordered an ultra sound to check it out...she also ordered a SH**T Load of tests for everything you can think of which is loooooooong over due.....sooooooooooo if anyone knows about AAA or has had it or currently has it, please give me any info you have...Is this surgery related???? I should have asked more questions at the Doc's office but she gave me the idea that she would rather wait for blood test results and ultra sound results.....any help would be great
peace,love,hope and Gods Blessings
Anyone can have an AAA. They can be herditary. My grandfather has one and has had it for years. It depends on the size of it as to what they do for treatment. My grandfather's is small. Under a certain measurement they are less likely to rupture and they jus****ch them rather than repair it. My grandfather goes every few months for an ultrasound and tests. As long as it doesn't grow and stays within a certain measurement they don't do anything. The larger they are the more likely they are to rupture. My great uncle had one and his ruptured. The doctor told my grandfather since that was the second sibling in the family to have one to go and get checked just in case. And sure enough he had one. But so far it is staying small and requiring no treatment.
Good luck,
Stacey--My Dad and his mother both had AAA. Both had surgery to have it repaired and recovered well. It is pretty major surgery so make sure you go to a good facility. I, too, have been told that it can be heredity. They watched my grandmother's for a long time before operating--til it got to be a certain size. My Dad's was found in a routine physical and was quite large--he was lucky. They tell me I should get a routine check. Good luck to you.