Exercise videos & dvds: what is in your cabinet?
Just checked my collection of videos and dvds...
Sadly, I have the following:
Richard Simmons, Stretching to the Oldies
Richard Simmons, Sweating to the Oldies 4
Tony Little (argh!)
Another Tony Little (argh!)
Strangely, I have an Ali McGraw Yoga video.
Otherwise, I have a Gaim Yoga and Pilates DVDs. They are okay from
what I remember.
Exotically, I have a Belly Dance DVD. Unfortunately my back does
not like the sharp hip movements (as if I was coordinated enough to
do it in the first place).
Sassily, I have a Kathy Smith Latin Salsa Aerobic DVD. Again, my
back doesn't like it.
Newly, I have the Chicometrics DVD that many on this website are buying. It
is basically non-cardio floor work. It is basic exercises. Nothing spectacular. But a good workout. Supposedly many are doing it in
addition to their other workouts and are dropping inches fairly quickly. I took
measurements yesterday before doing the workout and I'll do the
workout 3 times a week and will remeasure in 2 weeks and report in.
And weirdly enough... I have the 5 disc Carmen Electra Aerobic
Striptease DVD collection. I am NOT joking. Disc 1: Aerobic
Striptease, Disc 2: Fit to Strip (as if...), Disc 3: Advanced
Aerobic Striptease, Disc 4: The Lap Dance (ROFLMAO) and Disc 5: Hip
Hop (yea, I got rhythm - not!)
Not sure what possessed me to purchase Carmen's DVDs. I had not played them yet until I thought about writing this. I broke Disc 1: Aerobic Striptease out. I just went through the warm-up instructional, warm-up itself, the first routine instructional and the first basic routine. I kid you not... I now have a knot in my neck right now. Owie!
I felt very uncoordinated and unsexy. But I'll work on it. ROFLMAO.
Where is my heating pad when I need it. On second thought, what time
is it? What time will Rich be home? Hmmmm, I need me a neck rub and
OMG Kathy, you're killing me, this is hilarious. I'm not an exercise person as you are well aware, only DVD/Video in my collection is the Chicometrics, which I did yesterday after letting it sit for about 3 weeks.
I did see some changes rather quickly with it though the 3 weeks I did it before shelving it like all other exercise :zap, I hope one day to really enjoy it.
Anyway, back to Chico and the elliptical this week and so far so good.
ROFLMAO, I could not even imagine me trying anything similar to the strip tease video, I bet that would be comical even to me
Dana, with the Chico did you really see results that quickly? I've been thinking about ordering it for a few months now, but haven't done it. You all know I love my 5mile WATP dvd and do it pretty much daily, but its so upbeat and you're really movin' that I wasn't sure how I'd do with the Chico~although from what I've read, people really love it and see super results! Let me know how its going!
Tracy B
Tracy, yes I did see results quickly. After just 3 works I was seeing muscle definition and lost over 4" on my body 1 1/2" of those from my waist.
I am going to do the chicometrics DVD again tonight, they only recommend 2-3 days per week with cardio the opposite days.
It is such a great workout to me, none of the super sweating, breathing hard stuff, but you can feel the muscle workout and I like that. I've thought about getting the WATP DVD also but haven't yet. Maybe I'll look into getting it and doing on opposite days, I did do the elliptical again yesterday but it's going to take some time to work up the time on it again.
I think the Chico DVD is well worth the price, I've no regrets buying it. Will do it for 2 weeks consistantly and let you know if I lost any more inches, I'm sure I'll see muscle tone for sure.
Tracy, I have the 2 in 1 workout. One is done as all chair exercises, the other is floor and chair exercise. The floor and chair is the better workout IMO, although when I was extra sore I did the chair only.
I'm not sure if the original is the chair and floor only or just the chair. When you call, you can ask but if it is, I'd go with the original DVD, it's cheaper and I think that is the one (floor and chair) you'll like best.
That's funny. I have all the Tai Bo (sp) too advanced for me right now, although I have 3 years of karate, just out of shape now...
Just recently bought Leslie Sansone "Walk Away the Pounds"...
Where do ya get Chicometrics? Have not heard of it yet....Sounds interesting.
I do hereby solemnly vow to exercise 3 times a week....and do some kind of cardio daily..
DeAnna, here is the website www.chicometrics.com. You have to call to order or mail in only, they don't have web based ordering (or didn't a couple months ago when I bought it anyway). The site gives you some good information. The service was outstanding too, received the DVD in only 3 days when I ordered it.
Thanks...went to the web sight. Looks a lot like a program I used to LOVE called Cali-netics (introduced by this lady named Cali something)....It was lots of slow isometrics and they seemed to work....I think I will enjoy this one!!! Thanks. D.
PS - howdy neighbor, I'm assuming by Cajun Girl you mean Louisiana....I'm in Jackson, MS area.