My PS Update
My PS Update
Thanks to all for the support while working to make this happen.
I apologize up front for "Bragging,"
And I sympathize with all that had a hard time with PS,
But mine was the easiest thing I've done by a long shot!!!
Surgery July 6th,
Went super smooth.
Insurance(s) covered it completely!
Had my drain removed last week. -Painless.
Now, here's the Only 'bad part-
I was reading 180 lbs, when I went in for my PS.
They removed right at 1300 grams or about 2.9-something pounds.
That should have put me at around 177 lbs,
But, for the last 3 weeks I've held at a constant 185/186!
In the back of my mind, I kept replaying posts from Jim P.
Who had substantial regain after his PS.
I had a few days of concern, but refrained from posting-
"OMG!! I'm ReGaining!!!"
I thought I didn't have 'that much' swelling.
Well, when I had my drain removed, According to my Plastic Surgeon?
I still had "quite a bit of swelling," and
I'm still carrying an extra 5 to 8 pounds of 'retained water' by his estimation!
Thank Heavens!!!
Otherwise I would have been a little Bummed by my weight this week.
Adjusting for the swelling of 5 to 8 lbs.- 185 to 186 is about right.
I also haven't been able to run at all for the last 3 weeks and only a little walking
So that probably accounts for a pound or two.
I didn't adjust my eating to compensate for my lack of exercise at all.
Since the 'swelling' will slowly decrease over the next several weeks,
I had resigned myself to some slow going ahead.
But! Now?
2 lbs down since Saturday!!!
I'm back in my 35 Waist GAP Jeans!
Looking for those 34's!!!!
All in all I could not be happier with my surgery or the Doc and his staff.
Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis has 7 Surgeons in the Group,
And Mine was the one who has done this exact procedure
On 7 Men in the last 3 months.
He had the most recent experience with this procedure of any PS's I found.
His nurses would call me 'just to check in' while I was at home waiting for my drain
Output to decrease. The Doc was big on 'making sure there would be no Seroma,'
And after my last "Über-Seroma," that lasted 6 months while re-absorbing into my body,
I was grateful that he took so much caution.
I'm scheduled for a 2 month check-up, but I can already tell there will be no "Dog-Ears."
(Those little bumps of skin at the end of the incisions that some have)
That's the Follow-up!
Best Wishes-
Dx, glad to see your post. I was thinking about you today and how you were recovering from PS. It's wonderful to hear this surgery has been a breeze for you, after the complications you had previously I bet it's been a sigh of relief.
I'm about ready to start consulting on PS, probably will look to get started early next year. I'll be a self-pay I'm sure, my insurance has a pretty iron-clad exclusion but I'll still try to get them to pay, won't hurt to fight them a bit.
Hey Dx, that's a wonderful update! I am so happy that things went so well! It sounds like you were in really good hands too~it's always good to hear about a great experience w/dr's and their staff b/c as we all know, that's not always the case. Well, I bet you can't wait for all of that swelling to go down. It shouldn't be too much longer I bet! Congrats!
Tracy B
Apology? Bah!
You were sharing your good news!!! Please don't ever apologize for that -- at least not to me!!!
I'm thrilled you did so well! You deserve an easy time of some kind of surgery, don't you think? I do!
Thank you for sharing the wealth of information you possess!
Best regards,