Constipation..........what does it feel like?
I think I may be constipated, but not sure what to look for as far as the signs of it.
I know that not having a regular BM is a sign, but my surgeon told me that my mouth is closer to my butt now, and I was wondering if the pain or soreness in my throat has anything to do with me being backed up?
Can anyone help me here?
Has anyone experienced this?
I am almost 2 years out and this is my first time of being "backed up" so to speak.
Thanks for any help you can give.
"pain or soreness in throat" is not a symptom.
But, what you put in your mouth, is directly responsible
For the Output.
When it comes to Constipation
An "Ounce of Prevention"
Really Is, "Worth a pound of Cure."
Milk of Magnesia works for many to overcome the problem.
Higher Fiber intake,
Higher Monounsaturated Fats intake,
And Higher Water intake.
Many find that a daily Metamucil or soluble fiber product is very helpful.
Hope you're Moving along fine soon!
Best Wishes-
Thanks for your reply.................I have tried MOM and I had a BM but it didn't cure the
feeling that I have something stuck in the base of my throat. Not sure what it is, but I guess I will have to go to the doctor and find out. It is driving me nuts!
Has been going on for about two weeks now. I guess it is about time I get it looked at, huh?

I work with a guy whose mouth is closer to my bosses butt than the average person, and he had no surgery as an excuse....
Your surgeon's oh so elloquent wording is just him pointing out your bypassed intestine and how food has less length to travel and a smaller pouch to make a pit stop in.
Acid reflux, GERD, ulcers, or scar tissue obstruction can cause the stuck feeling in the throat. Definitely a visit to the doctor will tell you more than any of us are qualified to guess at. Does it happen with EVERYTHING you eat or just with denser foods? Could you not be chewing well enough, eatting to fast?
The constipation "backed up" feeling would come more with abdominal pain, bloating, cramping, etc. And since M.O.M helped you there, it might be safe to say you are not so full of **** that you can feel it in your throat!!
an interesting visual though...blah
good luck
okay.. I'm an "extra' iron taker (body doesn't store iron..its a family thing).. anyhow.. constipation is a constant w/ me. I eat a lot of fiber, prunes..anything to keep things "moving" but sometimes, it can't be helped. Constipation for me is having to go to the bathroom, but nothing..comes...out (number 2 of course) and then when you finally bear down.. (and this takes a while).. its very hard (the waste itself)..and it can hurt.. if that is not what constipation is, then I need it explained to me too. Sometimes it can take a day or 2 to pass..but if it is longer than I think 5 days.. you should go to the hospital (if you've tried the Milk of Magnesia and fiber options)..