Anger eating
Well, yesterday I had a horrible day at work, actually, I had a horrible day from the moment I woke up. I woke up late, was 12 minutes late for work, almost hit 2 cars on my way and then found out that old job associates i now have to deal with and whom i thought were friends, have been talking bad about me. I have taken a position that can be seen as authority over them and well, they aren't taking kindly to my new job description, which has me asking for reporting information. Anyway. I was angry and hurt and ANGRY! I didn't feel supported by my boss, as i am the educational person and they requested education and yet she decided she should be the one to educate, as they won't take it well from a previous peer. BAloney, I feel she should have sent me in, it is as if i went running with my tail tucked between my legs. They got what they wanted. They read "tone" into emails that were meant to be toneless. I always sent copies to my boss, they were not friendly, not rude, just here is what i need. Anyway, I ate in response to my feelings. I am angry that i allowed myself to respond that way. For the 1'st time in 17 months i ate french fries, i also ate 5 pieces of candy and just overall too much and bad choices. Today I find i am irritable and still angry i guess i scare deep and easily. But i am trying to make better choices cottage cheese and decaf and 4 SF candies today. I hope i don't let this emotional eating move back in. Thanks for listening to my incoherant rambling. Melinda I
Not incoherent, very normal for a stressful day and a stressful situation....I hope (and am sure) things at work will even out and you will settle into the new position. So, just concentrate on making good eating choices, that is something you can control just for today....
That's what I'm having to do, just go back to "one day at a time" "I can do anything for just one day".....and it seems to be working so far TODAY....DeAnna.
First of all, I'm so sorry you have to go thru this at work. Sounds like there's some jealousy issues going on there~probably on many different levels with these coworkers~just remember, that's their problem not yours.
I posted about emotional eating awhile back too. I also was angry and ate way too much and all of the wrong things. Then I got to thinking about it and it seemed so crazy! I wasn't hurting the person that angered me, I was only hurting myself! That person could have cared less what I was doing to my body and was totally unaware of it anyway. So, why do we do this to ourselves??? I still don't have a clear answer to that, but it really go me thinking. Once I realized what I was doing it didn't seem like such a great answer to my problem anymore. Now that's not to say that I never emotionally eat~it is a problem area for me~but I'm working on it!
I hope things calm down at work for you. Hold your head high and be proud of your accomplishments~don't let anyone take that away from you!
Tracy B
I can relate to what you are saying about emotional eating. I thought I had got over it but I went through a divorce and a change of jobs after my surgery and I can tell that I think about food more and grab for things that I didn't want or crave for over a year. It is very difficult. It is hard in a position like your job. Just keep you head up and don't let them get you down. Tracy B was right, we are only hurting ourselves when we do that, not the person we are mad at.