How are your teeth??
I went to the dentist again today, it seems like he and I have a standing date. Thankfully, I have two dental insurance coverages.
My teeth are not doing so well. In the last year I have broken 3 of them, had to have one pulled, and now I have to crown 4 of them. The front ones no less.
I have had occasional crowns on molars (I have a really bad grinding problem), but otherwise, my teeth have always been ok.
How are your teeth since surgery? Have you seen an increase in dental work needed since?
My teeth are bad...not that they were great before....But now I have very yellow teeth and the enamel is like it is gone..I have ridges right under my gum line that i go ever 3 months for cleanings. I do have ostrioperosis in my hip which i didnt have before and my nails are bad...i never miss my vitimins and my blood work is good always. I want to get veneers for all my front teeth top and bottom but they are so much. So will just have to grin and not smile to big. I have had chemo and radiation before wls so im sure that doesnt help all this. But do get your bone denisity test after a year out.
best to you
My teeth have been fine since surgery but I do remember that things went to "h*** in a handbasket" for my teeth between 30-35. Dental work after work and then everything settled down and has been fine since (I am 49 although I was 35 just a couple of weeks ago, it seems). Don't know your age but do know that dental issues seem to come in "waves." Just my 2 cents worth. Hope all goes well for you.
Hi - I've had the same problem. I'm almost 3 years post-op and in the last 12 months
I've had 4 cavities that needed fillings. I haven't had problems with my teeth in 20
years! Can't be sure it's weight-loss related, but it certainly can't be diet related -
I'm eating healthier than I ever have. Maybe I'm just getting older? Unfortunately,
even with dental insurance it cost a few $$$. My guess is that it is related to the
almost chronic dry mouth I get from all the surgeries (plastic surgery - 3 down,
2 to go).