Gas pain - SEVERE and recurring
on 7/3/06 3:01 pm
on 7/3/06 3:01 pm
Help. I'm having another gas pain attack at 7 months out. The last one made me leave work - buckled over in pain but eventually subsided. I have no idea what is causing these. This one has lasted 5 hours. I've taken gas tablets to no avail. I can't keep living like this. I am not constipated.
Please let me know if you've been through this and what you've done. This is painful.
I too also have the same problem. The only thing I can think of that you didn't mention is to walk. I know it is painful, even if it is just in your room or living room. Just walk in circles. My dr. also says that pickle juice is good for stomach ailments (gas, IBS, etc.) doesn't take much. You might want to try that. Good Luck
First of all, if you're truly experiencing gas pains, the biggest thing that causes gas for me is artificial sweeteners, particularly Splenda. You might try eliminating that from your diet and see if it helps. On the other hand, however, if gas pills aren't helping, I think you need to look at the option that it may not be gas. If your pain is so severe that you're doubling over and missing work, I think you should contact your surgeon. There are internal hernias to consider, bowel obstructions, gall bladder attacks...I'd eliminate those possibilities before chalking it up to gas if gas pills aren't working. Good luck.
it sounds like the pain I had my gallbladder was acting up....that happened about 6 months after my surgery. It was worse than labor....I was making out my will on the way to the hospital.
You need to be your stage you MUST report to your any stage that you have that kind of pain you need to report to your doctor....
My doc told me that women are more suseptible of getting galbladder attacks,,, I had to have mine taken out at 3 months post-op,,,, When I had a GB attack,, I had to stay in bed for hours on end til the pain went away,, the pain was soo intense,,,, just take note of where and when these attacks happen so you can tell your doc,,, best of luck,,,Oh it it is your GB,, the surgery was a breeze,, my doc even went in through some of my existing scars,, so less holes in my stomach,,,
on 7/5/06 11:31 pm
on 7/5/06 11:31 pm
I thought it was gas instaed of gall bladder because itw as not concentrated on the right side where the GB is, but more evenly distributed in the lower stomach. I called my dr. yesterday and he had a nurse call me back to tell me to take gas pills and that whatever caused gas before surgery would cause gas afterwards. I never had this kind of gas pain before surgery - I would have gas that would be flatulance but not a cramping. Will GB going bad hurt on and off?