2 1/2 yrs-severe stomach pain
this is all new to me im in the same boat you are in with the adhesions from previouse surgerys was suppose to have a bad gallbladder and gallstone taken out and the doctor canelled the surgery himself said it would be to dangerous cause of all the adhhhesions im so scared i have went to 3 places to see about the weight lost surgery and all 3 said no cause of the adhesions im going to try 1 more place in columbus ohio in 2005 i had a hernia hystermony(mispelled) 15 pounds of fat cut off of my belly cut ogg everything was good 2 weeks later where the cut me my opening dies and i had no blood supply so i had to have another surgery i did have a flat belly but now my adhesions are so bad my belly is getting so big and blotted just wish something could be done someday are really bad any suggestion from anyone thank you lipthor
Well, I see I'm not the only one who has pain. I'm 2.5 years from WLS..the pain started 4/6/06 after going out to dinner(I ate nothing off our plan)..about 1 hour after we got home. Bad Pain in the belly above my belly button that went around to in my back. I Also couldnt have anything tight around me at all felt like i was blowing up..still have gained inches in waist.
I have had a CT scan, MRI, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy all normal with no problems. I had horriable pains when i ate anything for 2 months off and on. Naturally not when I was haveing any of these tests. The Dr. that did the Colon test wanted to do a angeogram..but after talking to my Sergeon who did my bypass...he said it might not show anything if i was laying down. I havent had any real pain for 1 month. I found when I had the bad pains i would take 2 tylonal and lay down in fetal position and in about 10 min the pain would be gone. I thought how is this tylonal working so fast..so i tryed laying down in the fetal position without the tylonal...guess what the pain was gone in 10 min. I talked to my WLS he said it sounds like an internal hernia or Superior Mesontaric Aetery Syndrome(spelling)...which is cause by looseing alot of weight quickly...and an arerty falls down and wraps around the intestine blocking it. He said to diaginosis this ..when in pain stand on knees and hands ..i guess the gravity pulls the artery away.
I am waiting to see if I get the pain again...if i do i will go to my WLS dr so he do what he thinks is best. I dont want to go thru a test that might miss it anyway. Heres hopeing we have no more pains and we get this all streighed out. Let me know what you find. Keep posting!
Thanks Cha
Thanks alot for the responses, I think that I may have an adhesion or kink in my intestines, the more I research it. I left a msg for my rny dr but haven't heard back yet. Of course GA time is an hour ahead of AL so it was 6am and I guess it wasn't a life or death emergency (at least I hope not). The pain seems to get better for a little while yet it doesn't go completely away. I even layed out by the pool yesterday w/ a little discomfort, washed a load of clothes, but the next minute I thought I was going to die. But being a mom and wife, life must go on. I have still been taking Ducolax because I think I need to try to keep things moving, even thought I haven't had much relief in that area. I'll keep everyone posted. I covet your prayers.
Hi, just thought I'd give you my 2 cents. I'm almost 2 years out and about a few months ago I started having very severe pains, my family doc said take a laxative and I did and it helped a little, afew days later the pain came back and I had nausa and vomitting along with the pain, went to the ER and they found nothing. Finally went and saw my surgeon and he admitted me into the hospital for further testing. Come to find out I have an ulcer and a hernia. Good luck to you.
I'm 2 1/2 years out and a friend referred me to your discussion because I'm having the same pains! Right above belly button, around to back...helps to lay in a fetal position on my side. I have less pain if I sit, more if I lay down on my back, and more pain if I stand up. Do these positions agree with the rest of you experiencing pain?
Dana E.
I had attacks like yours for 2.5 years. Had every test in the world. Had my gall bladder out. Finally had two confirmed partial bowel obstructions, so my WLS agreed to do an exploratory surgery.
He found and repaired an internal hernia at the mesenteric defect.
Apparently people who have had "lap RNY" vs open are at much higher risk for them.
Okay, stupid question. Tomorrow is the 4th of July, obviously my WLS surgeon's office will be closed. I'm flying out early on the 5th for a week's vacation. The more I read, the more I'm thinking I could have an internal hernia. My pain is NOT as bad as many of you describe. Will I be okay to wait a week to see my doctor when I get back? This just started this past weekend. It sounds like several of you have battled this for a few months. I mean, I don't want to drop dead obviously...is it an emergency or can it wait one stinking week?
Please advise.
Thank you,
Dana E.
As i was going thru all my testing with the colon Dr. I mentioned the internal hernia and the Superior Mesanteric Artery Syndrone my WLS Dr. thinks it might be. He said the SMAS you could live with...that he was looking for my serious problems. So, if your not having the pain I would go on the trip. Especially if you have found the way to relieve it in a short time. I had some pain today after eating ..this is the first time in a month..but I layed down in fetal position on my right side and the pain was gone in 2 minutes. If however you are in pain NOW! Its a good idea to see your Dr when in pain. As the testing will show more I'm told. When you take all thest tests you dont eat...so your not usually in pain. Im not a Dr. maybe you should call your Dr and see what he thinks.
Best to you. Let me know what you find out.