Sneaky Eating????
I have come close to trading one eating disorder for another. not good. I am glad I went into therapy when I did because I was on a slippery slope to a serious eating disorder, not just overeating. my problems were an early warniing sign of bulemia. didn't get that far thanks to the help I have gotten.
A good first step is talking to your doctor and asking for a referral to a therapist if your ins requireds a referral. (mine did not) Soince I did not need a Dr referral, I called the ins company and they emailed me a list of providers, and a website that I could do a search for a therapist that met my needs, female, and experienced w/ eating disorders and depression.
try reading
"how much does your soul weigh?" by Dorie McCubbrey.
you are not alone.
I'm really glad you posted this. I'm the one who freaked out when I hit goal because my whole life, I knew HOW to gain....I knew HOW to lose....but NEVER learned how to maintain. That was just a couple of months ago. My surgeon told me to add "healthy nutritious snacks" to my day to maintain. Well, damned if him giving me "permission" to add snacks to my day didn't end up being the TRIGGER to old habits creeping back into my life. Yes, he said "healthy, nutritious" so it started out as a banana... then strawberries and other fruit, then raisins, then rice cakes, then a piece of chocolate, then a biscotti.... Now I catch myself sneaking a bite of chocolate when no one is looking... or picking up a biscotti at Starbucks and stuffing it into my purse so I can nibble that when no one is looking.
I'm actually out camping (
civilized camping
) with the family. I've caught myself SEVERAL times sneaking just one nilla wafer.... AUGH I was just kicking myself when I decided to turn on the laptop and check in here. Boy, you are not alone. I don't understand it. I can't understand myself. It's almost like my alter ego has been locked in a cage just waiting for the opportunity to POUNCE all over my success....yet...AGAIN. Like you, I recognize that this is a problem that needs to be nixed ASAP.
I'm one of those people who has to have a replacement fixation. So, I need to get busy researching something.... exercise.... atkins.... knitting.... SOMETHING.... I have to fixate on something else. Lord, help me. When I get out of this camper and away from the nilla wafers - I'm gonna find something.
This just goes to show that we still have to work on the issues behind WHY we eat - even after WLS. I notice I still have the same negative tendencies with eating - I like to nosh and be chomping all the time. Even if I'm eating nuts or string cheese (obviously better than cookies and chips) I have to tell myself - put down the nuts - you're not hungry. Because its mindless eating. So I think the sneaking food is a residual bad habit. I also think that having acknowledged it and "fessing up" will make you more aware of it and maybe less likely to do it.
Yes, I do this too. Through my old OA 12 step meetings I use the HALT to determine what is going on with me. Am I too:
H ungry
A ngry
L onely
T ired ? Usually one of these is popping up in my gut and I'm trying to "stuff" (literally) it down. Once I acknowlege what it is I can work through it and the feeling of needing to sneak eat goes away. Hope this helps.
7/7/04 -200lbs