Nothing tastes good to me
I am almost 14 months post op and Ive noticed lately that nothing tastes good to me anymore. Its weird, its like Im searching for something. You know when you just get tired of eating the same ol same ol and you try to think of something that would be sooo good. Well Ive thought and thought and thought and nothing sounds appetizing to me. When I finally decide on something Im totally dissapointed and find myself wanting something else and then it(whatever) is not satisfying either. Ive been eating constantly trying to find that one satisfying thing(its not sweets either, been there done that). I think Im just going to quit eating, lol. Im nibbling from morning till night, I better put and end to it before I see the scale move up. I keep asking myself what is it with me? Is anyone else like this? I am one of those people who usually is fine with eating pretty much the same things day in and day out, but now nothing is appealing to me. Doesnt stop me from getting hungry though....
I am in the same situation sort of. I am more than 2 years out and I am constantly searching for that one "good" food. I go thru periods where I eat constantly, then I stop or slow down. I have found that I am able to maintain my weight....I go up about 5 lbs and then back down from time to time.
Sometimes when I get on those food binges, I will eat food and be so unsatisfied with what I have eaten. My tastes changes quite often.