menopausal ????
Ok, I have an appt with my doctor,can't see my gynnie until the end of July. I have been having hot flashes from He!!..and night sweats , no period for 3 months this time. Should I ask about hormone replacement therapy, it kinda scares me. Have tried the vit E and it hasn't helped. I am 44 and this has been going on for around 3 years, but now its getting horrible.

Your doc can run a blood test that determines if you are going through menopause yet. My doc ran one because I haven't had a period for 3 years. I had an endometrial ablation to stop abnormal bleeding three years ago and haven't heard from my period since. I am the same age as you are. My blood test says that I haven't even begun menopause yet. I hope you get some relief from these symptoms soon!
Hope you get some relief soon.... the same kinds of things were happening to me and I'm 50... but all of a sudden Aunt Flo is back and regular.... My Dr. explained it was because of all the weight I was losing and it threw my hormones out of whack.... now that my weight has stabilized, the period is back..... no more hot flashes, no more bouts of anger.... although I wonder how much longer can this go one.... I am a GRANDMOTHER!!!
Good luck....
Laurie - minus 186 lbs!!
I had a total hysterectomy about 8 years ago and they put me on hormone replacement and I was fine, then they decided it was bad and to go off, cold turkey. I started using the estratvan stuff you get at the drug store and it did wonders for me no more hot flashes or night sweats. I also used the walmart brand and it was just as good. maybe it can get you through till you get with doc.
good luck, Terri
I am only 38 I had a complete hystorectomy (sp) When I was 22. I was never able to take HRT the docs could never find the right mixture or dosage for me. But anyway I wanted to mention to you that if you avoid soy it tends to help with the hot flashes. I dont know if you are still having any protien drinks but if you are check and see if they have soy in them.......The reason for this is that soy has estrogen in it and it is the unbalance of estrogen and progesterone that causes the flashes...........Hang in there it will get better... I promise it just takes time ...just keep the fans going and the sweaters handy!!!!!:-&