pouch size
(deactivated member)
on 6/23/06 12:04 pm - Phoenix, AZ
on 6/23/06 12:04 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hi ladies - I was at my 1 year followup today and asked the same question - I still couldnt get an exact answer - my surgeon just smiled and told me I was doing a terrific job and not to worry about being 'stretched' - she said it was practically impossible to stretch it out so not to worry about shrinking it back to the original pouch size - but I told her "THATS NOT WHAT IVE READ ON THE OH WEBSITE!!!!!!!" I personally think that it is possible to shrink it back - go on a liquid only diet for a week, and see how that feels - Ive tried that before (especially when I was trying to break my plateau) and I could really feel a difference. But thats just what Ive tried, and by no means am I a doctor! (but I have stayed at the Holiday Inn - LOL)
Hi. I dont know if I could handle a whole week of liquid but heck it is worth a try and see how far I can get.
You know I have heard that your pouch doesnt't stretch out that much too that it goes from 2 or 3 ounces to the max of about 8 to 10, if this is true why can I eat and entire 6 inch sub........... Hmmmmmmmm sounds fishy to me. it does take me much longer than it would have before surgery I admit that. But it scares the @%*# out of me.
Have you tried the cottage cheese test to see how big your pouch actual is? You do this first thing in the morning on an empty pouch. Measure out a given quantity of cottage cheese, say 8 oz if you think your pouch is really big. Then eat it as fast as you can without chewing. Stop as soon as you feel full. Measure the remaining cottage cheese and subtract from what you started with. The difference is how much your pouch holds. I'm at 25 months and the last time I did it, it was 3 oz. But I can eat a small sub from Quizno's.
I think it's how fast you eat, how well you chew, and the texture of the food to begin with. Obviously, you can eat a lot more of a soft food than you can a dense protein like meat. For me, if I chew really well, I can eat a lot more, which isn't really that good. So I've decided to not chew quite as well, and eat a little faster. That way I get that full feeling and know when to stop.
I don't know but I feel like Debra B. If I go most of the day without eating, I am unable to eat much and it seems to make me sickly feeling. My stomach hurts so badly after eating. And it makes all kinds of noises for a couple of hours. I am more than 2 years out now but I can eat a small sub also and some chips, but I can not drink along with it. The amount of food does depend on the density of it. Carbs really fill me up fast.