Vitamins am i taking too much/too little? help!
No problem -- just trying to help / provide information to you and others contemplating using Optisource. Each of us is responsible for our own health. Ultimately it's your decision.
Some people iin my support group *****lied on Optisource are finding that at about 2 years, deficiencies are showing up. When you are deficient, it's harder to build up again.
Also for calcium, the labs will be good even though your body needs calcium because the blood draws calcium from the bones, so labs may be deceiving in that area. Once you develop osteopenia, it's too late. The only way to truly know is a bone density scan.
Optisource uses calcium carbonate and that's not very absorbable after WLS.
Best of luck!

Hi John,
I have been taking the Building Blocks since my surgery 5/25/04. My sister had WLS 9/03 by the group that formulated the building blocks---US Bariatric in Fort Lauderdale. She's the one that led me to the Building Blocks. So far all of my labs have been perfect, except for my iron (ferratin), it was low when I had my labs done in April. It has been brought back up with 324 mg of ferrous fumerate daily. I don't think you will have to worry about this problem too much---you aren't a female with a monthly cycle!
While some may think that they are pricey. I look at this way.....just think of how much I would be spending on my blood pressure and cholesterol lowering meds if I hadn't had surgery. I was also borderline that would have eventually led to more meds. Also I am not buying the junk food and fast food that I used to. So I feel that it more than balances out.
Best of luck to you.
thanks everyone i purchased the optisource today i have to say though i think they are kinda gross taste wise....but definitely tolerable to chew and get down it says take 4 through out the day for best absorption is that like every few hours? and can i still take my one a day weight smart too? or is that too much? again thank you so much for all of the advice and vitamin recommendations this board is awesome!