low vit d...help
I am 4 years post with bpd/ds and I am having problems with low vitamin D levels. My endo has been working with me for the past 6 months giving me mega doses of vit D but not helping much. He prescribed 50,000 units once daily times 10 days then once weekly for 4 weeks then once monthly. That didnt help then he suggested take on empty stomach which helped somewhat. I have read on here about dry vit d. Is this better? Also I do not take an iron supplement and I have had extreme arm and shoulder pain for the past 6 months. Cant even do my bra! My chiro suspects frozen shoulder but now I am thinking a deficiency in iron or vit D. I just started taking b12 shots and my levels are good there. My PTH levels were high and D's low which is why my primary doc sent me to endo specialist. I really dont want to do blood transfusions and would prefer to do supplements. My red blood cell count was 3.52 when i had my labs back in 2005.
I have been working with low D for over two years now. Are you doing any medications like Fosamax? Dry is better and absorb easier for us. My presnet regine is 50,000 twice weekly and it appears it might be this way for the rest of my days.
Be careful with the D's and make sure you take them as the doc says. What are your 25 Hydroxy D levels like? are they testing your creatine? Are you getting any fats into your diets? Vits A,D,E, and K are fat soluble vits, they need the fat to carry them into our system. It is recommended that we do a min of 10% fat in our diets for this reason.
How are your bone density's scans?
Hi Darlene,
My hydroxy d level was 7.8 and my creatinine was 0.7 (within the limit range). I do take Boniva once a month for bone loss. My doc says I have severe osteopenia. I have also read that Boniva is not good for your dental work, that you take a tow on your teeth and jaw. I do not take Fosamax, is that a prescription? Never had a bone density scan that I know of. I was going to ask my Dr. for that but I think he thinks I'm nuts already. I have been going in his office every other month for the past year. I had my surgery done in Mississippi and therefore do not belong to a support group up here nor do I think my primary doc has any patients with WLS. I get plenty of fats in my diet but whether I am absorbing much of them is another ? Thanks for the info. If u think of anything else please hollar and what do u take for your iron levels?
Never thought about it, good question...so I asked google