First time to this board
So, I am 1 year 8 mos since my RNY. I don't stop back much because I am so busy with my new found energy to sit in front of a pc much
What constitutes a Grad? Weight, time elapsed since surgery or at goal weight?
This board seems a little more of the support network I am looking for.
I still fall off the horse sometimes and like to stop in to see what others are going thru that are at about my same level.
Have a great day.

I think you'll love the grad board. I think technically it's for those a year or more post-op, but I figure people can use it however they want. It's definitely NOT based on being at goal weight or amount of weight lost. You'll probably find as many here who haven't made it to goal yet as those who have. I come to this board for lots of encouragement (even though I'm not a frequent poster myself), and I know that everyone here is more or less "on the same page" as I am, with similar struggles and realistic hints and insight. I still read the main board and occasionally post there, but there's SO much that's frustrating to me there, and that's RARELY the case here.
Welcome! Hope you "visit" often!
295/150-155 (at goal)
Thanks Jo,
You seem to be where I need to get! I really have been stuck for about 6 mos. No gain but not loosing. I did just have a breast reduction and now cleared from the Dr. to full activity so now I really want to get to the health club more, no more bouncing around! I would like to get to 175-170.
Did you stall out?
In answer to did I stall out--you know, I never started out with a distinct goal; I just couldn't imagine being anywhere in a normal range and didn't know what was realistic. My surgeon said I could reasonably expect to get down into the 170's. At the time, that sounded wonderful. And actually, once I was into the 100's, I felt great, and people that I'm close to thought I weighed much less. (I think it helped that I was working out.) Once I passed the surgeon's prediction, I started wondering where I really wanted to end up--and I knew I'd be thrilled w/ anything under 170 if I could just maintain. Anything under that was a bonus. My DREAM GOAL is to get to 140-145 and STAY THERE. But honestly, with the amount of loose skin I have (not as HUGE amount as some, but definitely a factor), I really don't think I can realistically do that. At my age (56) and so many decades of yo-yo dieting, my metabolism is so screwed up--which is why I know exercise just has to continue to be a "given" in my routine. I know I'm not thin (I'm just 5'4"), but I think I look really good in clothes! And I'm honestly just not willing to cut back on calories in order to get another 10 lbs. off cause I don't think I could maintain it.
Did I ever stall? Not to any big degree. I never had a true plateau. I had weeks that I stayed the same, but for the most part, my weight loss was fairly predictable. I guess you could say that I'm stalled at this weight, but since my body seems to "like" being where it is--usually b/w 152-157--I'm just considering myself to be at goal.
DAILY BATTLE. But infinitely better than the struggles of weighing 295.
You got that right about being better than at 295. I am 5'8 and my Dr. gave me 150 as a goal and after we talked a few times I told him being the taller, larger frame that I am that 170 is what I was shooting for and he seemed to agree.
I understand what you mean about the skin thing, I am lucky that I was 38 when I had my surgery and my weight was evenly spread out and my skin isn't too bad, but I could really use the Tummy tuck. I already had a breast reduction and with that being done I will be getting on the workout train without everything bouncing/hanging around which was really emotionally hard, I just felt so self conscious.
I think I am going to get back to basics to kick start myself and try and get that 20 off, from all I've been told, you want to be as close to your goal before a TT.
Thanks for chatting, you've been great!
Keep fighting the good fight,
Tammy McDonald