Kick around thought? Sophomores?
Lost your Job over that? So Sorry!
That's terrible.
I hope it works out for you soon.
I have been off the main for about the same couple of months
Just dropping by occasionally, reading a few posts and
Exiting without replying.
But, I'm at my computer all the time
And it's as easy, and actually less distracting
Than web-radio to keep running on the side.
I do want this site to be as helpful to others
As it was to me. I was a "reader only" for the first couple of years nearly
And became a Serious Reader/Lurker Post-Op when I was convalescing.
I was around a year post-op before I joined in posting and replying
So some of that stuff is still newer to me.
I specifically remember your profile
Being So "Way Cool!" and filled with stuff I had never seen out here.
I've also had a few of those where I replied
To someone asking "Any suggestion about what I can do for....???"
And I dropped a standard response that no one had supplied yet
Along with a couple of links to check out even more solutions...
And got the response of-
"I've Tried That Already!! Thanks for nothing!"
Actually a very helpful thing for me.
Kept me from wasting time attempting to help others for about a week.
Then, I get bored waiting for my printer to finish
And I'm eventually back....
I guess I'm far less supportive than I am a devote procrastinator
Who never got into downloading video games.
Hope your life smoothes out where the job is concerned,
Or where everything is concerned for that matter!
Best Wishes -
Dx--What I have witnessed on the main board recently is wacko- absolutely insane. I figure if I am uncomfortable going there then certainly the freshmen and 8th graders must be a little reticent-well probably a lot reticent. Really I find what I read there so absurd that I rarely bother anymore. That makes me sad because I drew lots of strength from this site (regarding wls matters). Really--I just don't have the energy to waste anymore.
Yes, sorry you got in the line of fire
Aimed at me. That's the person who actually believes
That Me & Tek are the same person using "false profile accounts."
"So absurd," just scratches the surface of that idea.
Rare to think it, but "poor Tek," comes to mind.
That's the exact "Seriously Insane" sort that I refer to.
I also drew so much from AMOS long before I ever even posted
But when a wacko moves into stay, and is a driving force of the Board,
It makes me question the future. And "that person" is only one of a gang
Of openly admitted un-balanced folk out there.
Some of them brag about the thrill of "going off their meds"
To take advantage of the manic phases.
And they seem well on the way to being the "Norm" rather than the exception.
I think if I had encountered some of that back 4 years ago
I'd have never hung around long enough to hear any of the good stuff
From sane people who were working toward success rather than
Reveling in thrill, fear and Drama of it all!
I gotta say, the No E-mail, makes it easier to deal with.
If I don't take the time to check back for responses, I never even know about them.
Best Wishes-
Always enjoy your posts. I have been reading several boards lately and I find the mainboard exhausting. I do read and occassionally post but I do not think it is my imagination that the drama level is very high and seems to be lasting for longer periods of time. What I mean is that there is always a cycle of drama but it seems to be the norm. Sure it is hard to post to all the repeat questions but I am okay with it. You are correct about the "crazy" responses and knee jerk anger and overly sweet replies that do not really offer any usable info. I am okay with OT posts I usually do not even read them but there are A LOT of them. I also have never cared about cliques or long running chatty post. I can read or not as I please but wow some of this stuff is so personal and detailed it is scary. Not my business and frankly I hate to see anyone suffering what ever the reason. I am glad people connect and find support. So in a way I feel guilty for not wanting to post to those folks. It feels a bit like a catch 22. I feel I should participate and offer support but at the same time I do not want to promote some of the stuff that has become daily running thing. I am not sure this is at all clear. I feel I am rambling. It is definetly food for thought.
Thanks, Laurie
mama Taffy here, DX, don't let that person bother you in the least. For a pre-op, she knows everything there is to know about everything you could possibly bring up on a message board and if you disagree, you will suffer her acid tongue (oops, I mean fingers.) I have recieved a few very, VERY rude emails from her. Then she blocked me so i couldn't answer her back. Cowards do thngs like that ya know? I can't wait until she has her surgery and joins the whining masses.
I accidently posted this reply under someone else's thread so I'm trying to gt it right this time so it is a re-post. Sorry
Very interesting board. I am a newbie and was interested in some of the other boards b/c the main board is a bit exhausting. I appreciate the posts on the board and I guess as a newbie... I am hungry (ha ha) for valuable information and insights from fellow OH members.
It was a pleasure reading everyone's posts.
Warm regards,
OK. Here it goes. I consider myself a "newbie" to OH, though I am just about 21 and 1/2 months post op and at goal. I came here looking for help because I had an 8 pound gain after reaching goal. And I found it in the "Pouch Rules for Dummies." It has worked for me, so far.
There are a few things that really concern me about some of the postings, though. Questions such as "What can 'we' eat at ______ weeks post-op?" or "I'm throwing up all of the time, what should I do?" or "What meds are 'we' not supposed to take?" or blah, blah, blah. You know, I try to answer them, but sometimes I get so frustrated. I mean, weren't these people paying attention to their surgeon or nutritionist? I never had to ask anyone these questions. Of course, I wasn't even aware that this site existed when those questions came up for me. I JUST REFERRED TO THE PAPERWORK THAT I RECEIVED FROM MY SURGEON'S OFFICE OR I CALLED MY SURGEON OR NUTRITIONIST, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!
And then there are the posters who believe that it's their way or the highway. Save the zealotry, please. Not every body is the same, therefore a solution for you may be a problem for me. I cannot hike 9 miles (well I probably could now, but I don't want to
). I cannot afford organic everything, nor do I think that is always the best solution. And I like peanut butter, thank you very much. And yes, I will have that cookie. I have learned from a lifetime of dieting to never say never again.
And who cares what the Dixie Chicks or George Bush thinks? They have no bearing on my weight loss and subsequent effort to keep it off. But I'm human, and so get sucked in sometimes.
Sure, I like the "family" feel of support, but I got family and I got friends - no offense. But from personal experience with other support programs, "I will take what I need and leave the rest," "it works, if you work it," and "live and let live."
I always find you AND Tek a breathe of fresh air and an island of calm in a sea storm, Dx. Thanks for the post. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who is thinking "What the f*&k?"
Hi Dx,
I mostly read on here and don't answer too much...most the time I feel like I may not have the right thing to say so I just read. I have been reading here and posting questions for about 18 months and have never found anything from you or many of the grads to be offensive in anyway.
I also wanted to tell you that I always find something you say helpful to me. You responded to someone in this thread with:
The "Don't Beat Yourself Up about it!"
Is one of those issues that I go with myself.
I feel that sort of support should come with the-
"But also -Stop it!" portion of the friendly advice.
Sort of the -
"Go, and Sin No More..." approach!
I had to write it down....this has more to do with issues other than food in my life right now, and it sure hit home for me a lesson I really need to work on.
Take care,
PS. Keep posting it really is valuable to me as I am sure it is to many many others.