HELP HELP not loosing anymore weight
Help me someone! I had my surgery Sept. 2004 and I was 296 and now I am 203! I have been drinking soda, I know that was a no no. I need help getting back on track so I can start loosing again. I don't dump on sugar and that is my weakness. Today though I have been getting sick on anything sweet that I eat. Should I go back to a liquid diet for a week or two? What should I do. I don't want to gain all of this weight back! I don't eat veggies and can't get rid of the potato's!
You can do it. The first thing you need to do is stop saying "I can't". Because you CAN get rid of potatos, you CAN eat veggies, and you CAN stop drinking soda.
I often hear people suggest going back to the original post-op diet, thats probably good advice. High protein, low carb, low sugar, no regular sodas, don't drink your calories, etc.
But most of all believe in yourself that you CAN do this.
Hey Tosha,
You're crying out for help & that's good. Very good.
You're telling yourself you can't "do it" - self-sabotage- and that's bad.
"I can't" & "I don't" is really saying: "I WON'T". So, whether you realize it or not you're already making a decision to FAIL. Ouch.
It's a HEAD FIGHT, Tosha. You know that. The "guts" part (surgery) was probably the "easy" part.
So here's the deal: (been there - done that!)
You're in a place of decision: choose to work the tool, or choose to go on as is.
Either way it's a choice.
You CAN make the choice - the decision to take control of your thinking.
Now, considering the emotional roller coaster(s) involved in making the initial decision to HAVE the tool (surgery) I KNOW that you are MORE THAN CAPABLE of make really GOOD decisions for yourself. You've already made of the MOST DIFFICULT decisions of your lifetime: got your guts cut opened & rearranged. (just layin' it out there!)
This next phase, however, (in MY experience 4.5 years post - down 130 @goal over 2.5 years) this phase is BY FAR the MOST DIFFICULT and the MOST REWARDING.
If you choose to care enough about yourself to get tough with yourself --the decisions & choices you make NOW will take you throughout the rest of your YOUNG life.
Really look at what you're doing: That simply means THINK when you eat. PAY ATTENTION to your Habits (ON PURPOSE!
) Grazing. Choosing comfort foods / trigger foods VS life-giving foods. Drinking w/ meals? (creates SOUP, you eat more & more!)
Okay - so once you really SEE what you're doing now - then make a few adjustments at a time. If you're drinking w/ your meals - then THINK ABOUT it when you're eating and FIGHT YOUR HEAD and RESIST drinking with your stinkin' meals!
It's a fight, Tosha. This time is a challenge -- a time for strengthening your THINKING MUSCLES - a challenge that when you overcome, there will be NOTHING that will turn you back or make you fail or regain it all back.
Nothing. No one.
Not even yourself!
You CAN do this, girl.

Judy: Terrific response! I wish I had you around me all the time! I can surely empathize with Tosha - I feel myself teetering on the edge of making the wrong choice for my future, and don't know how to change myself to make the "right" choice, which is to keep fighting the good fight, or just let go and be like I used to be. I think I'm just tired of the years (decades) of battling my weight and dealing with weight-related issues. I'm tired of having to think about it and worry about it. I feel I'm a strong person because I've been through a lot of adversity and heartache in my life and I'm still here and living my life. I'm not sure why I can't seem to discipline myself to do what needs to be done.
But thank you for the great posting. And best of luck to you, Tosha. I hope that you will find the strength you need to make the right choices.
It may help for you to take a week or 2 to detox from the sugar, soda and carbs. Once you do that, it will be alot easier to make healthier choices. Also take that time to get on track with your exercise, you really need healthy eating, supplements and exercise in order to get your weight loss going. You must get your carbs from vegetables, and let those potatoes go!!! Or have them in very limited amounts.
You can do it, don't give up!!!
My suggestion would be to go on the Stillman Diet for a month. (all protein)
You need to get in 100-135g of protein per day. Cut out all dairy, cheese, and peanut butter. Cut out all foods unless they are lean protein food items. (pork chop, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, etc)
Grill, boil, or broil all meats. Use NO OIL.
After month one, add 1 serving (1 cup) of green leafy veggies per day.
You also MUST exercise EVERY day. Walk 2-4 miles daily and also do some form of cardio (video tapes etc) every day for 15 minutes.
You must also drink 1/2 to 1 gallon of fluid every day.
If you are drinking sodas, it MUST be diet only. I drink diet sodas all the time. It does not contribute to your weight.
Right now, you need to put your body into ketosis. You can only do that by doing high protein, no carbs.
You need to eat every 3-4 hours while you are awake !!! No Exceptions !
You can do this, but it takes a lot of effort on your part. If need be, seek the help of a therapist to help you gain control over your food issues.... There is no shame in seeking help. You had this surgery to do a lifestyle change, not for a temporary fix.
After the first month of protein train, slowly add veggies during the next two weeks and then add fruit the next two weeks ... DO NOT EAT bread, chips, pasta, crackers, pretzels, sugar or anything with flour in it until month 3. Add those items only 2 days per month !! That will help you.
You should be eating no more than 800-1200 calories per day. Use to keep track.
Also, find a support group to attend and locate a post-op mentor to go through this with you..
Good Luck !
Bariatric101 Support Group Leader