Hey guys
I'm in the same boat - I did just go to the doctor for documentation of a rash I keep getting in my belly button...the last time I was in he looked at it and said do ...blah...this time I made him write it down and give me something for it so I have a record that I'm getting rashes. I am researching plastic surgeons in the TN area (or surrounding states - I just want a good one) - so I'm just beginning this journey myself...good hunting!
I just started having belly button problems, and mentioned it to my PCP at my last visit in April. He saw the remaining scab and red areas. I just hope he wrote it down, although I'm not holding my breath. He asked me if I was digging in there. Some days I'm not sure he has a clue.
My gynecologist, on the other hand, 2 wks ago asked me about plastic surgery and we talked a bit about medical necessity documentation. She looked at the fold of the pannus and said "oh yeah, there's a rash there" (there was no rash there) and wrote her recommendations into her notes for my chart.
I do have lovely pictures of the belly button with no skin on it for future reference.
ain't it fun?
Sue O.
Dont want to scare anyone but....I just had a round of ps done in Mexico cause I could not afford it here. I had a tummy tuck, lipo and fat injections to my butt and a medial thigh lift.
I ended up in the er here 9days later septic and with three large abscesses where the fat was injected. I spent 6 days in the hopital treating the infection and now have home health care coming to see me daily to pack my dressings.
My tummy tuck and thigh lift are fine, and since I live on the border I know of several people who have had surgery done in Mx w/no problem. The big issue was when I had a complication I had a very hard time getting a dr to treat me in the US I kept hearing about this liability issue and that no one wanted to fix another Dr's mess up. Anyhow I eventually got the doctors I needed, which was a internist, a surgeon and a infectious disease dr.
Again I just want to put the info out there as it seemed like such an easy option for me, but the results could have been fatal had I not got myself to a hopital in the US when I did.
So my advise save up until you can afford to do w/a ps you have researched well and know is qualified and provided excellent aftercare.
Take care,