Aloha to all,
I am approximately 14 mos out and have lost l63lbs, I am happy to have achieved such a goal, but I am having a few problems.
1. GAS!!! everyday I am having alot of gas. It is truly foul smelling even my husband complains. I cannot figure this out. Is it protein? Milk products? I am so embarrassed by it, that I find myself not wanting to go out.
2. TIREDNESS. I do not have half the amount of energy as I used to have being heavy. I am also a little light headed. My day starts at 4:30 and ends around 8:30. I try to keep my proteins up to about 60-70. Do I increase that? My fluid intake is around 42-50ozs daily and caloric intake 1300-1500.
I know that you all have alot of experience with this. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Joyce,
On the tired issue the only advise I can give you is to up your fluids to a minimum of 64ozs per day and more if possible it really does seem to help.
The gas well........I have the same problem but only somedays, you kind of need to figure out what foods cause this, it may be different for each of us.
Good luck,
The low energy and gas
'Could' be interrelated-
Gas and odor issues are quite common among "ByPassers."
Here's some random info I've picked up along the way
With some ways of dealing with it.
Can be from "leftover excess protein," but most often
The issue is carbohydrates that are incompletely digested
By your bypassed guts,
And end up in the colon undigested and therefore
Are digested by bacteria in your large intestine,
Which turn it into large volumes of often smelly gas.
These are some ways to deal with it:
-- Identify which foods are your particular problem.
For most, white bread and pasta, and ESPECIALLY
Pasta that has been cooked and then chilled
(chilling turns the hydrated starch into a particularly indigestible form)
Are the worst, and the main thing you can do is avoid these foods.
Fresh pasta is much less "gas producing" than dried,
Frozen, chilled, etc.
-- Certain vegetables can be problematic.
Typically, broccoli and other crucifers,
Eggplant, onions in significant quantities,
especially raw onions and beans.
Beans can sometimes be managed by putting Beano on them -
Beans contain a carbohydrate called raffinose
Which is completely indigestible to humans,
But the Beano contains an enzyme that digests it.
They claim it helps with other carbohydrates too.
-- Many adults become lactose intolerant
As they get older, and the undigested lactose
Causes gas and diarrhea.
Lactaid milk or lactase as the enzyme
Added to dairy products can help.
Note that yogurt and many cheeses (particularly hard cheeses)
Shouldn't cause a problem because
The fermentation process metabolizes the lactose.
If you decide to eat "gas producing" food anyway,
Here's how you can/might improve the problem some:
-- Take Gas-X
Or other simethicone-containing OTC medication
To keep the volume down.
-- Take Devrom ( That does help some...
Or Innermint ( to improve the odor.
Or "Nullo," but I don't know if they sell online.
If these measures do not bring your problem under control,
Particularly if you also have loose stools,
You may have an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your intestine.
This is fairly common in folks with a malabsorptive procedures.
The excess bacteria will cause more mal-absorption
And you may not be getting the nutritional benefit of your foods
Even when you eat them.
This might be contributing to the "weakness" you are feeling?
You may need to get a prescription for Flagyl,
And take it for an extended course, at least a month.
Some people take it in low doses (prophylactically) all the time.
You should talk to your surgeon about how much and how often,
But it's longer and stronger than what a "normal" person would take.
But, Flagyl is chemically related to Antabuse,
The drug that is given to alcoholics to help them quit drinking -
(If you drink alcohol while taking Flagyl, you get very sick.)
And while you're taking Flagyl,
And for at least weeks afterwards,
You will need to take a probiotic -- Acidophilus,
Lactobaccilus, Reuteri, for example,
To repopulate your guts with good bacteria.
You can also help the good bacteria in your intestines
By taking one or two tablets of probiotics.
Acidophilus bacteria really helps with the smells.
You can also get these good bugs by eating live culture yogurt.
One other-
Sugar Alcohols which are only partially absorbed
Do in fact feed the bacteria (Good & Bad) in your large intestine
Promoting more gas. So watch those.
Gas IS controllable by controlling what is eaten.
This need not be a constant problem.
If you can figure out what causes your issues,
You will be able to control it.
I had problems at first- (about first 10months)
Then after using Flagyl and Lactobaccilus,
No problem since.
I have less Gas/Odor issues than Non-Gastric By-Passers.
Hope this helps,
Best Wishes-
One other thought on getting in more protein?-
Sorry it's just a re-post from my hard drive,
But it saves so much typing.
I had great success with-
Zero Carb Isopure.
Comes in 20 oz Glass bottles,
Sometimes called or referenced as Glass Zero Carb Isopure,
Or even Isopure Crystal on some websites.
Calories - 190, Carbohydrate - 0 g, Protein - 40 g
It comes in a number of flavors-
Passion Fruit, Apple Melon, Grape, Blue Raspberry,
Fruit Punch, Orange, Pineapple Orange Banana,
And Mango Peach.
On the Down Side-
All of them have an after taste that is a little like
Sucking on Old Pennies.
My first thought when tasting it for the first time-
"Who peed in this?!?"
The Upside?
Cut it half and half with some Crystal-Lite
And the flavor is hidden completely.
Don't try to get it all down at once either,
Just have a little, 4 to 5 times a day.
You get in more "water" this way and
Since your system only processes about 30 gms of
Protein at once anyway,
Slowly "trickling" it into your system insures you
Get the maximum benefit from the protein.
If you've got a GNC store nearby,
Stop in and buy a few.
It is cheaper to shop around on the net
And order a case, !!BUT!! - Only after you know that you will use it.
I found the Orange, mixed with Crystal-Lite Lemonade
Was great and so was the Mango Peach
Mixed with Crystal-Lite's Peach Tea.
Just thought I'd share
What's worked well for me.
Best Wishes-
For the gas, do some Google research on Probiotics. I take one I found at the Vitamin Shoppe that has like 6 bacteria types in it, and when I take it regularly, it really does help. I eat mostly dairy, fruit, and protein supplements. And I use Benefiber sugar free chewables. Between my exercise routine and the two of those my gas and pellet factory (constipation) are kept in check. Without the probiotic I lived in fear of letting a silent but deadly one slip while running on the tread mil at my gym.
You should have a MINIMUM of 60 grams of protein, aim for 90-100, personal opinion only of course.
64 ounces of non-caffeinated fluids. If you drink coffee, add 8 more ounces of non-caffenitated for each cup of caffiene.
Light headedness could be from dehydration or from sugar levels.
How often do you eat...every 3-4 hours, for 5-6 small meals a day is better for your metabolism.
Calories I do not recommend a number - yours looks to be the average, what works for me, wont work for others.
B12 levels? Vitamins? Are you taking them? Whens the last time you had lab work?
Number one response: make an apt with your surgeon and or PCP and get a professional opinion as well as these responses.
good luck