Bloating - need help
I'm approx. 2.5 years out and feel pretty good that only within the last 2-3 months have I had any regain and that's only about 5-6 lbs.
But what I'm noticing is that in the last week or two, I am bloating severely after eating. I mean, I begin the day with a fairly flat tummy, but by mid-afternoon after breakfast, lunch and lots of water, I am very, very bloated and uncomfortable and I've not had this type of feeling, not ever, since surgery.
Does anyone have any explanations for this? It's so frustrating since my weight hasn't changed, but my shape is all distorted. I've quit wearing clothing that I was wearing just a month ago.
I'm really pushing the protein and water and watching what I'm eating, but I seem to have the same reaction no matter what I do. Am I just strange? (Please be kind when you reply..ha! ha!) or is this something kind of common that I'll just have to learn to live with?
I experience this from time to time too, but it doesn't seem to last long. Like the beginning of this week my tummy was very flat, but on wed it was bloated and looked big so I didn't wear anything too clingy. Then Thurs and today its been fine again. I eat mostly the same things from day to day so I don't know that its a diet thing with me, but I'm not sure what causes it. I'll be checking back to see what everyone else thinks.
Tracy B
I too am 2.5 yrs out and am bloating...I havent gained really as i go up and down with the 5 or so lbs over my goal weight. But I have had pain since april when I eat...naturally since I have been going to Drs getting tests the pain is gone...but the bloating isnt. When i get the pain I lay on my side for a few min. and it goes away. I am in a size 10 now comfortably but have a closet full of size 8 jeans...needless to say its flustrating, I was hoping never to have a closet full of "To TIGHT". I too eat the same thing almost every day. But i hope in my case the tests find whats causeing this.
I hope you find out the problem too....just wanted to let you know your not alone.

Will be three years here in a few weeks. I find bloating with certain foods that I did not have before, but I am attributing that to the fact that I can eat a whole lot more than I did, say six months ago. Even though it is all good food, it is still more. Example: I love to have a salad with kidney beans, vinegar, oil and salt. Very healthy, I might add, but 6-8 months ago I had only 1/3 cup of beans, today I can put in 1 cup. See what I mean? Maybe at 2.5 years out that might be happening to you too. Hope this helps. Missy
I am also 2.5 years out & did gain 10 lbs since last year. I don't eat like I did the first year of surgery (all the proten and no carbs) so I attribute my bloating/pain to that. But it has been so bad lately I don't want to eat ... of course I do & then I regret it. IDK if it is just the food I am eating or what ... but I need to start eating right & hoping its the carbs that are making me bloated and bellyachey! Hope your issues resolve soon!