This place has gone down the tubes......
Hey Valori,
I went to my GYN last wed. to talk to her about what was going on and some bloodwork and she had me get the bloodwork just to rule some things out but thinks that its my heart. So now I have to go to my other doctor friday June 2 to talk to him and see about getting some test done on my heart. I don't know what the results are from the bloodwork cause she is sending them over to my other doctor for him to have when I go on friday. So I still don't know whats going on yet. Hate all this waiting. I'll post it when I find out. Thanks for asking Valori.
I wouldn't feel comfortable giving advice, unless it pertains directly to a situation that I have experienced. I mostly record my experiences in my profile and hope it is helpful to others along the way. Being that I am still struggling to reach goal, I don't feel qualified to provide advice. I'm usually one of those looking for advice and hoping to reach goal.
I do agree about the "fluff" of the main board. Some of the regular "howdy dowdy" stuff is kinda nice, as it builds a network of warmth. However, I would like the American Idol stuff to stay on the OT boards.LOL
Perhaps in time, the OT board will get more use and the main board will return to just a network of information and comradeship.
Ooooppps I'm running on. Sorry. Have a great day
Karen G