For those that weigh daily...

Alice P.
on 5/24/06 10:16 pm - Oak Ridge, TN
I get out of bed - go to the little girls room - walk out into the living room - step on the scale - every morning. My weight can fluctuate 3-5 pounds in a day - don't ask me how or why but it does. I have heard it said that it takes 2-3 days for weight to "show up" (excep****er weight) - and if I get on the scale and I am up I back off of what I eat for a day or two. I think at this point in my psychological head hunger fighting stage I would have a hard emotional time if I got on the scale once a week and found a 5-10 pound gain...I hav the tendency to think - whats the use might as well eat...that is what got me to 283 pounds in the first place...I refuse to allow that thinking to enter into my head anymore. If I get on the scale and I am up a few pounds it is ok today behave yourself and make good choices - say no (new concept) to that _____whatever is calling me... I am 10-15 pounds from goal (10 from my goal 15 from the doctors goal) and it is a continual discussion in my head about my eating habits and what I should is sad that I am not on automatic pilot but I refuse to do that - automatic pilot (eating what I felt like eating) is another thing that got me in the 283+ weight category...I realize that food is going to be my thorn in my side for my life - and I will fight it for the rest of my life. I have gone too far to back down now...
Tracy B
on 5/25/06 3:13 am - Erie, PA
Hi Alice. I can NOT go on auto pilot with my eating either~that would be a HUGE mistake for me! I need to be accountable on a daily basis to make this thing work (for me that is). I agree that food will always be an issue for me too, but I hope in time maybe I can come to grips with it a little so that I can be "normal", LOL, whatever normal is!!!!! Hugs, Tracy B
(deactivated member)
on 5/24/06 10:40 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Tracy , I too am what some call a Scale Pimp .. I weigh every day .. have for 2 years . It keeps me accountable . I do not menstrate as I had a hysterectomy 21 years ago .. so I do not really retain water . I have been fortunate to keep my weight with in a pound or two .. knowing what I need to do to maintain . I love my scale .. adore my scale .. and if it where taken away .. I would mourn LOL Hugs, Natalie
Tracy B
on 5/25/06 3:14 am - Erie, PA
Scale Pimp huh, LOL! Yep, that's me! I love my scale now too~probably for the first time in my life! Tracy B
on 5/25/06 12:14 am - Portage, IN
Hey Tracy, I spent a LIFETIME (I'm 50 now, so probably 35? years?) allowing the stupid SCALE to "tell me how I was doing" or WASN'T doing, as the case usually was. Multiple times a day. Meaning multiple times of "beating myself up" for being a "fat fool" or whatever self-loathing name I thought of each time. No longer! I'm 4 years 8 months post op. Even after surgery my "relationship" (one sided, at best) w/ the scale has been a love/hate one, but for the past couple of years it's shifted to what I now believe is a "healthy" one...(A MENTAL shift, really) I weigh 3 - 4 x weekly: when I do it's in the a.m., after my morning "constitutional" (healthy bathroom moment!) right before stepping in the shower (buck naked) Sometimes in evenings I'll be tempted pull it out to step on it - but self-talk: "NO, NO - it's the end of the day - I KNOW what it will say & I don't need to be discouraged because I've eaten my 6 small meals (or whatever) and I've got a boat-load of whatever filling up my intestines" (yes, it's true I'm weird & say this stuff) The mental difference? I weigh daily for the scale to CONFIRM what I already know, rather than to have the "scale tell/show me how I'm doing. Get that? CONFIRM what is already "known". When I deviate in my daily fueling routine I KNOW it will reflect on the scale. Which is way cool. It's a much healthier place to be - but it only came by making the GRADUAL mental shift. Probably took a year or 1.5 to "get it" REALLY "get it" in my head. The work was worth it. Congrats on your GREAT SUCCESS!!!!
Tracy B
on 5/25/06 3:18 am - Erie, PA
I get what you mean Judy~I too like to confirm what I already know. Somehow it helps me mentally to do that. And, being honest here, some days I confirm that I had a bad eating day and the scale lets me know that its true! Most days are fine, but once in awhile there's just those days when you know, LOL. I guess we can't be "perfect" all of the time! At least now I have the ability to take control the next day and make things right before they get out of hand. Hugs, Tracy B
on 5/25/06 5:47 am - Independence, IA
It was interesting reading everyone's posts - and BTW I'm new to this board. I'm 2 yrs, 1 mo out and my original dr. goal was 150. I hit 135 last fall, but am now back at 168-172. I weigh every morning after I pee and am as "white" as I can be!! I don't want to disagree with a previous poster, but I do believe there can be a bounceback weight gain. Not that I like it. I am also back on a diabetes med and also took a depression med for 6 mo -- both of which are known to make you gain a little weight. I also take a lasix daily which helps with the water weight, but I do still get that. My weight can vary 4 lbs in a day. I work out 3-5 times a week too. I'm struggling right now to get back to 145 - a weight I will be comfortable at. Back to the scale issue -- I weigh daily and always have. I have to know where I'm at -- good, bad or otherwise. I'd like some good advice as to getting back on a good track. My dr. doesn't want us to use any supplements and I don't have problems eating any type of protein. I'm open to suggestions from anyone who has some ideas. No judging please. Janie
Tracy B
on 5/26/06 12:47 am - Erie, PA
Hi Janie! Hey, no judging here that's for sure, LOL! I agree that its good to know where you're at~good, bad or otherwise. You're farther out than me so I don't have any advice for you, but I just wanted you to know that I understand your struggle and I'm here for support. Everything I read always says go back to the basics~protein, water, exercise~and change things up from time to time to "trick" the body. Good Luck to you and keep us posted on how things are going for you! Hugs, Tracy B
southern belle
on 5/25/06 9:08 am - Hoover, AL
I weigh daily. I can fluctuate as much as 8 pounds if it's close to my period. No, it's not a gain. How do I know? Because it happens just about every month and it always goes back down about 3 to 5 days after the start of my period. I am just blessed (or cursed) with the ability to retain a large amount of fluid. Sucks to be me Lily
Tracy B
on 5/26/06 4:35 am - Erie, PA
Hi Lily! I hate the week leading up to my period b/c I bloat so badly too! Thankfully we know that it will go away on its own and now that we're prepared to see it reflected on the scale, we don't have to panic! Tracy B
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