Doctor thinks its my heart........
Last week I posted if anyone else was having blackouts like me and today I went for my doctors appointment to get some blood work done because of it. Well...she sent me for the bloodwork just to rule out some things but she really thinks its my heart. She is sending me to my primary doctor to get some test done on my heart and to rule out siezures and what nots. That appointment is on June 2. I'll keep you updated in case its something that WLS patients should be aware of or not.
Hi Kim!
I missed your post last week. As a matter of fact, I am visiting the graduate section for the first time.
Anyway, I was having "seizures" and black outs as well. I went through all sorts of testing. They finally discovered what it was. 3 weeks ago I had a pacemaker put in. I am doing better, but still have some issues. I hope all goes well for you. It is ironic that I am finally getting healthier and now this. But years of obesity and other risk factors such as hereditary, diabetes,and high blood pressure caught up to me. I have lost 138 pounds and now weigh 132. I would do it again in a heartbeat!

Sorry this response is soooooo late but with two teenage boys with my space, I don't see my computor much. Your right......I was finaly treated for vasovagal syncope. Had the tilt test and everything. They had put me on flurdorcortizone at first and it was way too much for me so as of today I am starting a new med. called altinolol to lower my heart rate. Will see how this works out.