Your Tool is Not Working
Let's say that your 'tool' has stopped working for you....and you want to jump start a small weight loss, have any of you taken any suppliments to help with your cravings? Not so much appetite but cravings?
I find myself getting shaky if I don't eat sometimes, hourly or bi-hourly....I need to get my blood checked, my sugar level....
Anyway, I have gained about 20 pounds back that I'd like to get rid of....but my tool seems to be wanting MORE and MORE food all the time!
I haven't found anything to stop the cravings... but I try to eat things with fiber in them as fiber supposedly adds bulk without many calories.
Also, I know high glycemic index foods will cause cravings and I try to avoid them... but it sometimes it becomes like the chicken or the egg... which is first? The food or the craving?
Ask your doc for a prescription for App Trim. It is for Bariatric patients and is EXCELLENT ! Cuts cravings to ZERO...
For more info email Dr. Ganz : [email protected]
Obesity Help Chapter Leader
I also get shaky if I don't eat protein every couple of hours. I think the longer I can go is 4 hours. I also get cranky.
Mostly it happens on the weekends when I am not on a schedule. My husband knows when I say I need to eat something. There is no time to waste. Get her some protein. Usually some cheese or an egg helps.
I find I get shaky if I go without for a while - are you hypoglycemic? I find that the more I eat of carbs/sugar the more I want and the more I crave - carb control is the big thing with me. Tracy your tool is working - it does not desire more food - your brain is what is causing the problem. I have the same issue - I want to eat constantly - and I can eat all day long if I eat high carb junk (crackers are my bane). That emotional hunger - head hunger - what ever we want to call it is what is causing me all my grief right now - how to shut it off...the million dollar the issue. I am writing everything down - getting out and exercising - watching everything that goes into my mouth - paying attention...that is all I know to do...making better choices of what to eat -
Hey girl!!!
I know I am not as far out as you................could be I'm still honeymooning here, but here's what I do when I feel my tool isn't working. Eat a chicken breast.........nothing else, just that and see how far you can get. Not too far I'd bet. LOL I made them on the grill last night, almost not quite cooked enough, and then when I micro'd today they were perfect!!! I just ate it, and feel like I'm gonna blow up!!! Now that I'm full I'll keep off liquids for about an hour to see if I can stretch this feeling out.
Only at 1.5 years out and already I'm right there with ya on the weight gain thing. Back to basics, it's all I know. OXOXOOXOXOXOOX The very best of luck to you!!!
Oww, Sorry Tracy.
I'd also recommend more fiber, particularly soluble fiber
And Low Gylcemic foods.
When ever I have higher White carbs, I get hungry soon,
But staying with low carb veggies and meat/eggs
I do fine.
A woman in my support group had a very similar issue
At 2 years out, and the doc
(mine shows up at most of the support meetings)
Said to try a "Re-start."
Go back to liquids for a week, then mushy, then soft mechanical, then solid..
And use those 3 weeks as a re-fresher Learning process
To get food choices under control and help start back
Good eating habits.
It must have worked for her
Because over the next 3 months of meetings
She lost the little she had gained
And was very pleased with her progress.
Something about-
"I was afraid I'd have to buy more clothes in the wrong direction,
But I just picked up a few more things a size smaller!"
The Gals in my support group are "over-the top" when it comes to clothes-talk.
Gives me time to just sit and listen.....
If it were me?
I'd be adding more fiber, less Carbs, and upping exercise by 30minutes each week.
(although it could change any day) - SO FAR,
That's what's worked to keep "My Tool" Sharp!
Best Wishes-