RNY and Nuts such as Cashews, Almonds, Hazlenuts, etc.
Just a curious question for all you grads,
Why is it that I am craving nuts of all sorts. These seem easy for me to digest. If I have an upset tummy cashews, almonds, or hazlenuts will not upset it. I can eat more than the 1/4 cup serving if I am not careful, and often do. I'll choose nuts for a meal over say oatmeal, cottage cheese and the like.
I thought nuts were suppose to be hard for you to digest? Not highly recommended (and not just because of the fat content.)
When I am at the grocery store, I don't nibble on the "samples" offered to me, but I will eat two handfuls of the pistachios during a visit.... must be about 200 calories YIKES.
Any grad know how the almonds, cashews, hazlenuts, pistachios, etc. effect/affect the RNY?

Many thanks for your Reply...
I miss seeing you on the board... Love your posts... how you been doin?
Best of Wishes
Peanutbutter, if taken in large (1-2 tablespoons) will make me sick.... But the nuts, they are sooo easy to digest. I just wondering how "bad" they were.
Fat content VERY high and usually I dump on fat... I wonder if the fat is "good" fat... I'll google and see what comes from it.
I'm better than last weekend when I posted my mini-meltdown. Posting here and there, but being careful about what posts I read so I don't set myself up for another meltdown. Hopefully I will chill out soon - lol
I don't think nuts are especially good for anyone to eat in high doses. Hard to digest, calories vs protein etc. They are on my surgeons list of lifetime no-no foods. But on the other hand, he also said he doesn't think any food should have to avoided for the rest of my life. In other words, moderation.
Now if I could only stop my peanutbutter cravings!
It goes kinda like this:
Me: Yum, peanut butter. A little bit won't make me sick.
Pouch: Wanna bet?
Me: curled up on the bed moaning, between runs to the bathroom to heave
Pouch: I win.

I am having the same problem with that evil peanut butter. I torture myself everyday with it!!! If I have a little Im ok but I always have that extra spoon full/lick and then I start singing my dumping song "dump dump dump dump dump-a-roo" and all I wanna do i sleep!!!. I was actually just about to leave a message on my home phone to have my husband take all of it out of the house!!! I love it but its so evil...Go protein but high in cals.
My conversation goes like this:
me - mmmm i love this skippy natural peanut butter it does not get me sick
pouch - grumble grumle ,,,, emmm taste good
mind - STOP 1 more bite your dead
me- one more bite wont hurt
pouch - noooooooo stopp gurgle gurgle
mind - we need to take a nap
I hope you dont feel alone!!!
Hey there. Gotta say at 4.5+ years out, nuts have been a BLESSING and a CURSE!! I eat them to "nut butter" and they "felt good" in my pouch. I looked at them as one of my primary "protein sources" for over a year.
I love nuts.
I also gained almost 15 pounds by MINDLESSLY eating too many nuts.
For real.
I limited the nuts to 1/4 cup - in SNACK BAGGIES , ON PURPOSE!!
then the weight began dropping...
For real.
In those early days (1 - 1.5 years post) I was happy to find things that went down easily & felt good... But my "head" was still in the OVERWEIGHT / OVERSIZED/ OVERPORTIONED Obsessive mode and I didn't know what a "sensible" portion was.
That was then.
Now, I enjoy nuts IN "serving sizes" - period.
I've also found many other great choices that sit well, feels good and are healthy to me.
I'd say, if you're in a mental place where you're still learning what "healthy thinking" about food is, then be careful. Be CONSCIOUS when you eat high calorie/ fat foods. Allow yourself to eat them, but be MINDFUL while eating them. Make sense?
By the way -for me -- CASHEWS... mmmmmmmmmmm....

Thank you for the reminder.
I was just about to go and buy some of those tiny baggies to hold my serving sizes.
I recently did a mental review of comparing what my portion sizes were to reality. My 1/3 cup was actually a real 2/3 cup... disasterous!.
I will go back to putting thing in baby food jars and/or puchasing those tiny baggies to hold portion sizes.
Whhhheww! Kind of a pain, but better than overeating!
Post was a real reminder.
I have to watch my nuts intake also. I find that nuts feel good in my pouch and do not cause problems. I like the fact that I get good amounts of protein from them and the crunch I so love and des....but I really have to limit the amount I eat at a time. I like to buy items in one serving size, easy on the mind, the eye, the weight, and the pouch.
330/201/16? healthier, happier, sexier, and so thankful
Late-but dropping by.....
I've never had a problem with them.
I tend to keep raw almonds in my desk for a mid-morning snack
If I didn't have a chance to grab something else.
I plan them into my intake.
The monounsaturated fats have been "very-very-good-to-me!"
Early out when I was counting Calories and measuring
I just figured them in to the mix.
Now? I eat them regularly but in actual sane serving portions.
I've seen some who have a bad time with 'grazing' with nuts.
But that hasn't been a problem I've allowed myself. (Yet!)
Best Wishes-