Knotted Stomach
Cramping like constipation or gas? Is it constant or does it get worse when you eat or drink? If you lay down on your LEFT side a few minutes does it subside? Laying on your left side helps the natural flow of your digestive track, and if the problem is gas or one bite too many for me it will generate fumes or atleast gurgling and moving of the food down.
Everyone has different grades of pain and descriptions, so I dunno what your "knots" really are.
I had scar tissue build up block off the opening between my old stomach and the reattached intestine, the old stomach filled with the digestive enzymes it produces but could not dump them. I had a day of bloated hardened stomach acke like I needed to have a BM but no matter how hard I pushed nothing came out. Later that night I had nausea and pain from the pressure of the filled old stomach pressing on my pouch and making me dry toss my cottage cheese and dry heave for a few hours before I went to the E.R.
Definitely call you surgeon, it could be constipation/gas, it could be gallbladder related, it could be a bowel obstruction. It could be stress, it could be not chewing your food well enough, it could be late developement of lactose intolerance, could be your imagination
....let the doc rule out the biggies, better safe than sorry.